ETD Community Meeting

Title slide from meeting.
Apr 5, 2021

This community meeting includes a discussion on accessibility and a first look at the new user interface, features, and changes for the OhioLINK ETD Center. 

Transcription (select to toggle opened/closed)

Emily Flynn Meeting. It is April 5th, and we are- oh, my chat popped up. Here we go. We have a really great agenda today, we're going to start with the new major release demonstration. I'll be walking you through that. This is Emily Flynn, Medidata and ETD coordinator for OhioLINK. I handle all things ETD, so if you're an administrator or a staff and you've written in, you've likely heard from me and if you email support, you'll likely hear from me if you ever need anything ETD wise. This morning, we're also going to cover digital accessibility and the ETD Center, that will be a presentation by Amy Pawlowski, our executive director here at OhioLINK. Then we're going to have a walk through example of how to check accessability in ETD documents from Kim Fleshman, who is the coordinator thesis and Dissertations Graduate College at Bowling Green State University, and then we'll wrap up with a time for questions. So we're going to start with the OhioLINK ETD Center major release demo. We currently have the next major release scheduled and we're doing user testing right now, the planned update is going to be early July 2021. This includes a new user interface for ETD admin and ETD search. We're also going to start using the OAI-PMH feed along with MarcEdit, which is a free cataloging software. They have a harvester feature for generating RDA MARC records. I will not be demoing the OAI-PMH feed and MarcEdit process today, but more information will go out on the ETD listserv in the future. Once that is up and ready and we have more information for everyone, we will provide some brief documentation on how to use that as well. So I'm going to exit my slides and jump on over. So this is currently in the user testing server and I'm going to log in to the new ETD Center, this is considered ETD admin, the back end, where students submit their work. Right now I am logged in as a test admin. So we're going to- yes,


Judy Cobb Hey Emily? We're still seeing your PowerPoint.


Emily Flynn You're still seeing the PowerPoint. Um. Oh, OK. Oh, let's see. I'm going to stop sharing completely, maybe that will back it out. Are you seeing the website now?


Judy Cobb Yes.


Emily Flynn OK. All right, so you missed the login screen, which looks slightly different, but when I, I will log out and show you that screen at the end of going through ETD admin. So this is the new homepage for the administrator, so there's a lot more options that are available to the reviewer and a student would see an even more streamlined view of this when they log in. So new we for the admin's, we have this quick search bar, which you can easily find an ETD, no matter what status it is in, and that will hopefully help you work on that one particular ETD without needing to remember exactly where it is or a group of them if you're looking for a certain submitter or title phrase or something. This is now the new submission button. We've pulled it out on the side here. If you click that, it will begin your standard submission form that we're all used to. That part hasn't changed. We do have this new quick links area that is customized based on the ETDs that you can see and what you have available to you. We have a couple new statuses. Yes, we were able to we do have some numbers here that show you. So right now it shows I don't have any account requests, but I have some drafts in progress and some submissions ready. The new category up here is my ETDs, and if we click this one in particular, this will give me a current ETD that my account is creating and working on. And when you have multiples that you've created, you'll see it in a list. Not every admin or reviewer might submit ETDs, but if you do, that's an easy place to keep track of what your work is. Otherwise you can click this little carrot and now we have the regular status reports here. Drafts, submitted, published, returned to submiter, embargoed, batch uploaded. The two new ones are ready to publish, and now when you get to an end of an ETD, there is an option to make it ready to publish instead of directly publishing it and it will be added to a list and you can go to this particular report to see ones that are grouped together. And then when you're ready to publish them, you'll be able to group publish. You'll have a little checkbox that you can select. Let's see if I have some in here. And then you can release them as a batch. I don't currently, but you do see the button published selected ETDs. So if I had any I could choose the ones that I wanted and send them as a group. I've heard from admins that sometimes you review incoming ETDs throughout the month or maybe the semester, but you don't want to publish them just then. But you'd like a different place to keep them organized, knowing that you've already looked at them. So that is what that status is meant for. Queued to be published is when you have a large batch that goes through and it's just a way so that you can know what's still in the system being published and processed and that's just a system- one, to let you know these are going to be published soon, and then when it clears out, that'll be empty. Our footers have been updated as well, and we have this accessibility email down at the bottom in case you or any of your users need it. My ETD account is just your profile page, where you can update your information for your account. Manage accounts looks fairly similar. These are just the reviewers and batch uploads that you have for your institution. The submitter accounts will still live at the OhioLINK level since they're not tied to an institution, which is just how we've usually run them. Manage institution is where you set your submission site information. If you have or want to have multiple submission sites, your degree offerings and your departments as usual. The reports are mostly the same, we have the dashboard, which is the new part, but space utilization, ETD count, ETD downloads, and pro quest uploads are the same as before. The stats dashboard is available to administrators, so the reviewers will not see this, but this is a nice place where an admin can get some statistics you can run searches by. So I'm in Kent State as a test site, nothing done in user testing affects the live production site. So this is all just some of it is old data that we ported in. But you can also add new test data and it doesn't affect anything. So we could choose a department, we have some preset ranges or you can choose specific dates and months, you can choose the number of results that you see. Let's run this. Right now, we just get one back. And sometimes that has to do with the data available or how many people have used a certain department, and then if you want once you get something set, you can save a new filter and then it'll appear in this dropdown list and you can run it next year or whatever frequency you would like. So that's a new fun feature to explore. And then batch upload is still there, but for the moment, we have paused its use, so I'm not going to cover batch upload today. We do have the FAQs still up here, the frequently asked questions, this one is one that's available to submitters and reviewers, and then the admin FAQ is just available to admins and I believe reviewers can see this one as well. Report a problem is now up here. And when you log in, it will now show you your email address for the account that is logged in. We can do my profile right here and change password as needed. One note about passwords that you'll now see. Instead of sending a temporary password, we are now going to send a link and when the user clicks the link, it'll be you'll be taken to a page where you can put in your new password immediately. This will help alleviate a submitters who, for whatever reason, get caught up with not being able to put the same password or any issues related to login hopefully will be alleviated because when you click the link, you just set your own password and then you log in with that newly created password. So that is slightly different, but will hopefully be really great as we roll it out this year. So having shown you the basics, I know I went through really quickly. We'll do more documentation and manuals once it's available, but this is just sort of a little preview of what's coming. I'm going to log out and show you the new login page. So this is what users will see. If you've used member portal, that's another platform that we have. If you've ever used that, it'll look similar. We're now creating more of a suite with our platforms. And as I show you ETD search, you'll see that it's looking more like the EJC, the Electronic Journal Center. The forgot your password link is still here, and we also have the new user registration, like normal. Submitter accounts are automatically approved. So once the submitter fills this out and saves and continues, the system will email them the link to create their password and then any administrators, reviewers, or batch uploaders sign ups, they need to be manually approved, so those are held still as usual, until they're addressed. All right, so now I'm going to hop over for a few minutes to ETD search. This is the public user website. It looks like there's a question from Brandon Bowman in the chat, "I'm not sure I understand the difference between ready to publish and queued to be published." So ready to be published is it's a great question. The ready to be published is what you as a reviewer or an admin can create as a list of ETDs that confirm you looked at them already, but you're not quite set to publish them yet because when you publish and it's immediate. So this is one step back where you can flag it to say, I've looked at it and it's ready, but I'm not sending it yet. So those all stack up in a little list and then you can release them all together as a group when you're ready to publish them all. The queue to be published is just a status in the system so that you can see I've I've released 100 ETDs and I did a group publish. So they're all going at the same time but the system works through them one at a time. So it's going to publish the first one and then it's going to publish the second one, and it might take a little time to do the group batch that you just released. And so that queued to be published will just show you you told the system to publish these one hundred ETDs and we're working on it. And then when it's done, it'll clear that out as being complete. So hopefully that helps. Again, I'll document it better when we do create the manuals and the recording training for admins has been really popular and I think that's been a good way to to train new admins lately. So I'll refresh that as well and do another recording and walk through that in a bit more detail. Oh, great. Brandon says that does help. Thank you. You're very welcome. All right. Let's look at the public ETD website. This is where most users are going to go. Students end up here to verify that it got published or send the link to someone and people generally just do research here as well. It looks a little different. Again, this is more like our electronic journal center, if you've ever used that, it'll it's kind of like a suite similarity that we're doing, so that's kind of sister sites. We have the recent editions down here in the bottom. So things that are recently published and again, this is test data, so you're seeing some older dates as well. The advanced search is still linked, we've tucked it over here. We have a little need help above the search bar and we have participating institution links down here. The search is still just a general, single search bar. I'm going to put in water table levels in quotes just to reduce the results, but there we go. One of the big key... Not really a feature, but one of what we were going for is performance, especially with this latest release, so. Sorry, I've got some timer going off there. OK, so performance was key, and that's also what we tried to do with admin as well. So when I type in- and Danny Dodson says speed seems a lot faster. Yes. Again, if you do a large search, it's going to take a little while to go through all the results but for the most part, you're going to it's going to feel really snappy. And it should. It should help with working through a review and then also any research you do. So we have a search results page here. This also looks more like the EJC results, but all the information is still here. We have moved the files up, they used to be at the very bottom of this ETD page. We're also featuring the logo on the side as well. A little bit more prominently, we have the permalink here and then if this student had an orchid, it would also the link would also appear below. This is missing it's abstract, but otherwise that would be filled in there. We have updated the citations and added this lovely addition statement. So for each of these versions, you'll also know what additions this current format is for. And then the download count is still down here with the document number and the copyright statement. So I'm going to go back to the homepage and then pop into participating institutions. This is where you can start to browse or narrow your filters before you actually begin searching. Katie Maxfield asked about the score that is just for testing purposes that will come out. It is just to help us figure out ordering and ranking again, we're still tweaking. We're still in user testing and tweaking these before it actually goes live, but that is one little lingering thing that we've left on until the last moment and we'll we'll turn the score off; it's just an internal note for us. Since I was in Kent and they have multiple submission sites, we'll stick with Kent for now. So here's the new Kent landing page for their institution. The top is fairly similar. We still have this firm perform search only for Kent State University. And if you click that, it'll show it's checked. And then if you enter anything in the search box up above and hit the spyglass to search, it will only show you Kent results for that. The Browse ETD area is a little updated. We now have total ETDs over here on the left side bar. We still have author names and departments and submission sites that you can dig down into deeper. We have open the top 10 downloads and then down at the bottom you can click the carrot and dropdown the recently added ones as well. So I won't dig more into the browse, but I'll just show you the advanced search, because that's been slightly updated as well. This, again, looks more like the EJC advanced search, if you're used to that. Some of these fields are limited, so if you click the carrot, you'll get the different options available. And then the field to search, we also included more options, including if people know Orchid or if you want part of the title, and then as soon as you click one of those dropdown options, it'll automatically give you another field to search in case you want to do multiples. So that's a nice little easy feature, and we do have clear fields here if needed. So I'm going to go back to the home page, and that's the ETD Center search, the public facing Web site. So now I'm going to try to hop back over to my slides and started up again. Judy, are you seeing the slides again?


Judy Cobb Yes, I am.


Emily Flynn OK, good. All right, so now at this point, we would like to open this up for any additional users. We've had the ETD Council do testing so far, for those who have been able to pop in and help us out. But I'd like to do another call for testers in case any of you watching or if you have staff or anyone watching the recording before April 15th, please let me know. We are continuing user testing until April 15th. That's next Thursday. So if you're interested and available, please send me an email at and I will make sure you have test account set up in UAT, which is the server sites that I was just showing. Those would be the ones that you go into and you can just do some testing and make sure everything looks good. We're still working out a couple of kinks and updates, but any additional insight would be helpful because you guys are the ones who actually use the system. And so it's always nice to make sure that your workflows are going as expected and that everything is where it seems to be. So any feedback as well as bug finding is very helpful right now, but we are only doing that through April 15th. So please let me know right away if you're interested. And at this point, I'm going to hand it over for digital accessibility and the ETD center to Amy Pawlowski, our executive director.


Amy Pawlowski Good morning, everyone. I hope you're enjoying the beautiful weather today, I'm going to go over, as Emily mentioned, digital accessibility in the ETD center, and to do so I wanted to give you some context about what is going on with accessibility efforts at OhioLINK and why we're moving in the direction we're moving and kind of what the impetus is behind the work that we're doing. So just a quick reminder that for OhioLINK we technically are a part of OH-TECH, which is a part of the Ohio Department of Higher Education. So while I in theory report directly up to the chancellor, we do have a fiscal agency relationship with the Ohio State University. So what is the fiscal agency relationship? Well, on paper, all of us work at the Ohio State University because Ohio State is facilitating any of our fiscal transactions, and this is true for all of OH-TECH, this is not just OhioLINK. The really the main reason behind this is because we're a cooperative and where you as members, are contributing amounts to pay towards group purchased resources. The network is the same way institutions are paying their portion for network pieces and then again with the supercomputer center. So a lot of this is driven by the financial transactions that happen for us as OhioLINK and the other OH-TECH verticals and the. The the process of that and what that means is more easily managed with a fiscal agent as opposed to working through ODHE directly, they just don't have the the staffing needed for invoicing and billing and contract review and those types of things. So the fiscal agency relationship was established. It was used to be at Wright State upon the founding of OhioLINK and then moved to Ohio State University in 2013. OK, so what does this mean for us as OhioLINK? Well, it means I still report up to the Ohio Department of Higher Education, however, when OSU puts forward initiatives or guidelines for projects or things that need to move forward in a particular way, we have to be in compliance and this is because, again, they're our fiscal agents. So they're signing on really to OhioLINK's risk, or OH-TECH's risk, and taking that risk for us. So we as OhioLINK and OH-TECH need to try to work as closely as we can with Ohio State University when initiatives or projects or kind of mandates are established and move forward. So if you can go to the next slide, Emily. So one thing, and this is a good thing for OhioLINK, one thing that Ohio State University has really stepped into more deeply is digital accessibility and forming a policy and forming what is more or less a roadmap for how to move through better accessibility for everyone associated with Ohio State University. So I think Emily has the kind of quick policy guideline language. One more back, Emily. Is there really- the other way, yeah. So this policy kind of is it's a policy. So we have to try to follow these policies as best as we can. And I have to say, Ohio State has been very good about helping us work through the best way. So they're not just saying you need to do this and it needs to happen now and it needs to happen in this particular way. They've been working through appropriate channels, workflows, processes, plans to help departments and organizations under their purview get to the state they want everyone to be in as far as accessibility is concerned. So, ok Emily, next slide now. So some of the requirements established by OSU is that any time a piece of software goes through a new major release and it's a locally developed platform, that it must meet the accessibility standards or be granted an exception. So the new ETD release center that Emily was just going over is being built to meet these standards established by Ohio State University. You know, a way to look at this is we have this software and we built this platform and Ohio State is holding us accountable to meet the same level of accessibility requirements that they're asking vendors that they're engaging with. So any vendors that really we are engaging with as well to meet these new standards and requirements to make software more readily accessible. So this is, quite honestly, is not is not a difficult request. These are things that we should be doing anyways. So Judy and Emily have been working through with SI, the new release for the ETD Center to make sure that we are in compliance and that our software will remain so as we move through any iterations or upgrades. So with this, though, it's not just the actual platform that needs to meet its accessibility requirements requirements, but also the content that is hosted on the platform. And I know this is kind of wide sweeping, but when you think about it in the terms of a vendor, so let's say Wiley puts out a new platform for their EJC or their journal content and the platform is accessible, but if you download a PDF of an article, that PDF is not meeting the appropriate accessibility standards as established, then what good is having that platform to begin with if the content on the platform is not accessible as well? So what this means for us is we're going to have to work really hard on getting the content or the dissertations and theses that are actually housed within the ETD Center up to the appropriate accessibility standards. So as I mentioned, OSU has been really good about working with departments and organizations about how to get to that answer instead of just saying you have to do it by X date. So we're thinking about how this affects us in kind of three buckets: in new content that's being uploaded, the existing content that has already been uploaded, and then content that is uploaded using the batch upload tool. OK, next slide, Emily. OK, so more recently- I have to open this up over here and make sure I'm covering everything- within the last meeting, so the March meeting of the directors, we approved an OhioLINK consortial acceptability statement. And I have to say, OhioLINK isn't the only consortia doing things like this. There's other consortia doing really great work around accessibility statements and standards and trying to help really the ecosystem move through being better about accessible content. So just a quick outline of what happened, what is happening here and what we've agreed to in our statement. So for OhioLINK, we've agreed to designate a coordinator who is responsible for the OhioLINK Central Office's internal accessibility requirements and efforts. And if you haven't recognized that, that is Judy Cobb, that we officially announced that Judy Cobb is functioning as the OhioLINK's accessibility coordinator. We will use internal policies in the central office to ensure OhioLINK content is accessible as possible today and to reflect our commitment to continuous improvement. So, again, this is working through our locally hosted platforms, working with vendors that are giving us the PDFs to upload them. There's many, many prongs to how we're going to be approaching accessibility for OhioLINK. The next is to implement procurement processes that prioritize accessible products and services. So that's on me and that's working through contract language and getting kind of pushing on vendors to be better about accessibility statements, accessibility- the roadmaps they have to make their platforms and content more accessible. Provide- the next is provide regular accessibility training for OhioLINK central office staff, so these are things that we're thinking about as a great example is Judy walking staff through how to use headers in Word because a screen reader reads a document that the header actually helps the tool read the content better in a screen reader scenario. The next is to employ formal accessibility quality assurance methods, and this is something that that Judy's already working through. So, as I've mentioned, Judy and Emily have been working with SI on making sure that the new development on the new ETD platform is meeting the requirements. And then working through and making sure that when something is put out through development, that it's meeting standards based on specified testing and whatnot. So this is already happening. The next is to establish and maintain a standing OhioLINK accessibility implement implementation team. So I don't- there's a little bit of confusion, there was with directors, because the way our nomenclature works for the committee structure at OhioLINK, so we will be establishing a group similar to Leads or e-resources, those implementation teams where there's that one person on your campus that functions as the the kind of the intermediary or the person that gets information about that specific topic at your institution, so most often an example is the e-resources, the e-resources list person is also doing collection development with accessibility. We'll be having this new group. It may be that your person that handles your Leads communication is also the person that handles the communication of accessibility efforts or things moving through OhioLINK. So we don't have this list established yet, we're working on it and it will be forthcoming. But just a heads up that that's there. So somebody on your campus that's really designated to accept information from OhioLINK about what is going on with accessibility and efforts at OhioLINK and how we're moving or navigating through our efforts. Negotiate and maintain license agreements that maximize accessibility and address remediation. So this is working with vendors to make sure that they're meeting the WCAG requirements that that we would like them to meet and then if they can't, put it in the contract what their plan is or remediation plan is to get to meeting those standards. Engage with vendors to improve and maintain product accessibility for all users and the creation of digital born accessible products that meet or exceed industry standards and best practices. So again, this kind of tale's into the contract language, but also making sure that they're actually doing the appropriate work. Advocate for accessibility and inclusion among OhioLINK members, vendors and business partners, and the broader library community. So this is just really more or less my job as OhioLINK and we're talking with vendors and requirements that we like, but also talking about this in a broader context. In the ICOLC, which is the International Coalition of Library Consortia, making sure that this is something that we're all thinking about and moving forward with as a community. And then lastly, OhioLINK members have a shared responsibility in accessibility and remediation of OhioLINK shared resources. So this just speaks to OhioLINK as a community and we have always worked through things together, and as my staff will say, as a team. I use that word a lot. We're moving forward with this as a team and OhioLINK is a team and this will be a team effort to meet accessibility requirements as OhioLINK moves forward. OK, Emily next slide. So, what does this actually mean for this group and the ETD? Because we need, as I mentioned, the kind of the three groupings of content. So there's new content that comes in that gets loaded. There's the content that is already in, that's loaded. And then, of course, the old, older content that is done through batch uploading. What this means for us is we need to pick a time and again, we're working through OSU policies and procedures, we need to really just pick a date, a reasonable date in which we say if you're uploading content into the ETD platform, that PDF needs to meet the minimal digital accessibility standards set at your institution, or whatever is higher- the most recent industry standard. Right. And this is- Emily has a presentation after to talk about what this means for those of you that are working with students on their Word docs and what this means when it gets converted and how it's getting uploaded. So we're going to try to address those questions moving forward. But we are going to pick the date of in September, 2022, so this gives us some time to work through as a community what this means and the things that we need to do to make this possible. I can't not do this. I am required, as an OSU, as an institution under OSU whose purview to to move in this direction. So and as I mentioned, that this is something that we really should be doing anyways. This is the right thing to do. So we will be moving forward in this direction. So any new ETD submitted after September 2022 will need to meet the particular guidelines and we will work through a communication plan about what that is. We're in the process of forming what we're calling- again, this is poorly named- an implementation team, which is a small working group that will help OhioLINK figure out the best way to work with our members to make sure that we are all compliant and can work towards these requirements. And one of those things is specifically geared towards helping the ETD community work towards getting these documents ready for load. So this is the these are the things that we're doing that you will be hearing a lot more from us in the community. Most most of these communications will come down to you from Emily or Judy, since you have a much tighter relationship or communication channel with both of them. But I wanted to start talking about this now because I don't want this sneaking up on anyone. I want everyone to be aware that these are things that we need to be doing and this work will be ramping up over the next year. So I had- Judy is also on the call, she's been running the meeting with Emily so we can take some questions. But I'm wondering, Judy and Emily, if it might be better to go through the next part of the of the meeting and then answer questions at the end, because I have a feeling some of the questions are going to be very much how is this done? And the next portion will cover that. Does that make sense?


Emily Flynn Yeah, I think that's a great idea, Amy. I saw the chat and so was addressing the questions with the platform as they came. But yes, let's hold any questions about accessibility until after the next portion. Thank you, Amy.


Amy Pawlowski Absolutely. Thank you.


Emily Flynn Oh, I guess you had one more slide.


Amy Pawlowski I think I I versioned myself and I open to a different version, right? I've already covered this presentation, so this really just goes over the legal responsibility and what this means and that the counsel is advising and then LAC agreed. So I think I'm more or less covered this.


Emily Flynn Yep, you covered it. OK. All right. Well, thank you again. So now we're going to have checking for digital accessibility, and that's going to be Kim Fleshman, the coordinator Theses and Dissertations Graduate College from Bowling Green State University. Kim is going to do a walk through example for checking accessibility, and she's been creating documents and figuring it out for BGSU, so she's going to do a review of ETD documents for accessibility as an example. I'm going to stop sharing my screen. And sorry, I got to find Kim on the list. Kim, I'm going to make you a presenter right now... And you should be able- there we go. You should be able to see a little share button at the bottom of your WebEx and go ahead and share your screen, please.


Kim Fleshman Good morning, everybody. So obviously, there's things you can do from Microsoft Word and we at BGSU have set up a template so that the headings are designed to be accessible. We've given information on how to create tables and alternate text for figures so that they're accessible and that kind of information holds as you go into the PDF. There's a few more things that you can do to check it from the PDF, since that's what you're going to be looking at any ways from OhioLINK, are PDFs, I thought I would just cover it using Acrobat Pro. So if you go- I just brought up a document here- go to tools, and if you come down here to accessability. You'll see that here on the right, I have a new menu and you want to click full check. And you should see this screen start checking. Now, things have changed over here and in bold, you can see where there's issues. If you hit the little carrot or triangle on the left to get that drop down, the items with the red Xs are the biggest concerns. If you right click, you get a menu that asks you to fix it. That's great. Go ahead and tell it to fix. We have our students go through a workshop doing this because we've decided that as of January 2021, that all of our documents would be accessible. So I'm showing you exactly what I showed them. And here we have this blue question mark. Right click on that. Tell it to pass but it's really not changing anything. The logical reading order, I'm not sure. When I look at this document, I can't click on something to see what's wrong with it. Why it says logical reading order isn't correct. A student has typed it and should have typed it in, you know, an order that would work. So I apologize that that has come up. Again, what you want to address mostly are these red X's, so on this one, it says that the primary language isn't set. Want to tell it to fix, you can tell that it's English, although we at BG also get Spanish ones and German ones. So you may be changing that language. It doesn't come up every time saying that English isn't specified. I just get it on occasional documents. And I made sure that I picked a PDF to have a ton of problems for today's demonstration. Here it says that the title failed. It's asking me to fix the title, and they told it to fix it. Often the title fails because they haven't filled in the document properties as they're supposed to, although this person has. But many times when I check that, I'll find that it'll tell me the title failed, the author failed, subject. We make all of our students fill in those document properties. Color contrast came up with a question mark here. Our students are in black and white, and that is the most acceptable color contrast you could be looking for. It might be a figure somewhere that it's talking about. And with that in mind, if that figure doesn't have the proper color contrast, there isn't, sadly, much that we can do about it because maybe this is a picture of an artwork or something like that that you can't change. You have to use the actual colors that are included. Here it shows the alternate text. If I right click on that and tell it to fix, it's telling me that 16 images do not have alternate text- so the student didn't set their alt text in word and therefore they could have, when they were supposed to check it in the PDF, have set it if they forgot to do it from Word. An alternate text, you want to say something that isn't being said about the figure already. So you don't want to use the exact same title because your screen readers already going to read that title that they have for the figure and if it's saying something about it, like in the paragraph around it, you don't want to give that same information. Actually, what I often tell students is it depends on the context of the PDF and what the subject is about. So, for example, if you're showing a picture of George Washington and it's a picture of him while he's in office from 1796, if it's an art history paper, maybe you're going to talk about the fact that it's an oil painting on canvas with a lot of brown hues and that could be your alternate text because you're describing the picture itself. If you're a history major, it might be more important to say that it's called the Athenaeum and again, what year it was done, while he was in office. Because, you know, we also have General George Washington crossing the Delaware and maybe we're having to say something different about that painting and the fact that it's before he's president. So not using something repetitive when you're describing it. And again, that alternate text is dependent on the subject of the paper itself. Um, something else, especially with your LaTex people, LaTex always puts out this PDF for them, so they're not used to going into Acrobat professional and embedding fonts and setting their document properties and having to create bookmarks, because that's all done for them, if you have a LaTex template that works that way. So they need to learn to come back and do their alternate text and their equations, many times, have to be done so... I stopped just trying to think if I could come up with an example. So A squared plus B squared equals C squared, everybody knows that the Pythagorean theorem, maybe I've got figure one or equation one Pythagorean theorem. But to give alternate text, I would say A squared, and I'm spelling out squared, plus, instead of a plus sign, B squared, and I'm spelling out equals, instead of an equal sign, C squared. If I had to learn how to spell, I had a more complicated equation. So for two times four, y plus six equals X: you have to make sure that you were saying "two open parentheses, four- spell it out- y plus six close parentheses equals x." Does that makes sense to everybody? So an equation you want to make sure you write it out for the screen reader can can read it properly. But if it's a figure and it's a picture, you want to give further information than what the screen reader would have already read. I'm going to cancel that. And when you go through to fix these- again, you don't want to be the one to do it, but you would- and please don't let your students click decorative figure. If they've included a figure in their text, that figure has a purpose. Decorative figure is something like wallpaper on the background of your picture, and that doesn't happen in a thesis or dissertation. OK, that's the kind of thing that happens maybe on a website. So you want to if you have for some reason, it comes up with some blank box like they because wonderful acrobat, you have a page number on something and then you delete it off and there's a blank space, it's still kind of knows that it's there and so it might come up with alternate text question on that particular item, and that could be a case where you would use decorative figure. And that's the only time I could think about using it in a thesis or dissertation. So once you type in whatever text you want to say about your alternate figure, you click this triangle on the right and it takes you to the next figure. And again, in this case, maybe you were saying it's "a comparison of two graphs from zero to one hundred on the X axis," and it's, of course, up to students to do all of this, so you would have to if it got submitted to your ETD center like this, you may have to send it back to get them to fix it. Or if your school does prechecks, you want to make sure they have it all correct before they actually do the upload. And then I still recommend checking it afterwards. Often and students don't give the the document a date or a version number or something. Sometimes they submit the wrong version. So you're going to need to check it to make sure they did all of this. If they wanted to, about this graph, they could say that the graphs mirror each other. They could say that I'm going from left to right and explain how it is a straight line until you hit about 50 and then it goes up at an acute angle or describe a 40, 50, 45 degree angle or something like that. So you could continue to keep describing it. Here, you could say it's a scatterplot. So to say the specific kind of graph, it doesn't say it in the title. And you could give a little further information about it also here, and you would just keep going throughout the document. We have a comparison of scatter plots and you would just continue. Once you had those all done, I like to save and close. Now, here, of course, is saying that it failed. If I hit fix again, it's going to take me to the one that wasn't done. I'm just doing this so that you can see what it looks like when it aoproves it. Now it corrected and you see the green checkmark instead of the red X. This nested alternate text- you click on that, you can click on this, and it's taking me- for some reason, I don't know why it didn't mind the other hyphens, but it didn't like this particular hyphen. There isn't, from Acrobat, a way to fix that. I realize I just said you need to fix all the red Xs, but from Acrobat, you can find out what it is, you can see if they could take the hyphen out from Word, but you're asking them to re- recombining everything and rePDF it and rebook mark it and fonts, and it takes a lot of work. So it's going to be up to whatever the rules are set at your university. You could also skip the rule. If you skip a rule, you get this yellow exclamation point, or a warning sign. Any questions about that? I'm also getting this list issue, it's not something I'd seen before, which is part of the reason I went ahead and used this document. When I click on it, this was done in LaTex and for some reason it is going to do this and some of these lovely headings numbers. When you right click on it, it doesn't give you the option to fix it. You could click explain and it will take you to Acrobat Professionals website to give you some further detail on it. Otherwise, you can tell it to skip the rule, it'll skip out on all of them when you do that and you're going to get another one of those yellow explanation points. We're trying to avoid those as much as possible. You try to fix everything that you can. So BGSU wants to make sure their headings are set up and Word so that they're accessible headings. We want to make sure that our figures and our tables, again, are accessible and have alternate text. Also, if they have a list of equations or schemes. We do the alternate text. We try to make sure that it has been set to be English. Again, German or Spanish in our case can also happen so that the language is set. And in the contrast should already be set because they're turning in black and white text documents. We make sure the document properties are filled in so that the tables- or not the tables, I'm sorry- so that the title comes up correct too.


Emily Flynn Thank you, Kim. Yeah, I'll go back over to the PowerPoint really quick to share the questions slide. I really appreciate you showing that example. Thank you so much.


Amy Pawlowski Yes, Kim, thank you.


Emily Flynn Does anyone have any questions? I have my email address here, if you want to be a tester, we're doing user testing through April 15th, so let me know right away and I can get you in those UAT systems that I was showing off. If you have any accessibility questions for Amy or for Kim, let me know in chat, and we'll address those quickly, I know we're coming right up on noon, so we'll just let you guys type in if you want for a minute or so, and then we'll let you go, so. Are we going to share the PowerPoint? Cindy, I think we were just planning on sharing the recording. OK, that works, too, OK. Yeah, and I think, Judy, can you confirm that it usually takes about a week to get the recording up and shared?


Judy Cobb Yes, we actually have to put the captions in it in order to meet the accessibility requirement. So it's usually about a week before it gets online and Emily will send the link out once it's ready.


Emily Flynn All right, well, if you have any questions, even after you've mulled this over for a little while, go ahead and e-mail me, or you can always email and that'll we can then forward it to whoever, including Judy, if it's something specific about accessibility. And we'll get this out to the ETD listserv once the recordings available. Thank you, everyone, for attending today. And also, I didn't call them out earlier, but Amy mentioned the OH-TECH shared infrastructure. They're the developers that we work with and they did all the the real hard work, you know, Judy and I get to make sure things look good and are where they should be and work but our developers are wonderful in actually doing all the heavy work behind the scenes to make sure it is accessible. And it is. The the major release does happen on time, so we thank them as well and all the wonderful testers we've had so far, it's been really helpful to have actual admins and ETD staff go in and look at the system. So please, if you really do want to just even poke around just a little bit, any little bit would help. So just email me and I'll I'll get you set up. Thank you, Amy. And thank you again, Kim, for helping me on this presentation today.


Amy Pawlowski Thank you, everyone, for joining us.


Kim Fleshman Thank you.


Emily Flynn Thanks, everyone. Take care.


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