OhioLINK borrowing and lending is predicated on good will, integrity, and adherence to the spirit of OhioLINK agreements. Within this paradigm, as a matter of principle, institutions will hold their patrons responsible for OhioLINK materials. Additionally, dealings with patrons regarding OhioLINK materials will be solely between the patron and his/her institution.
Each institution will charge its patrons late fines and lost charges for OhioLINK materials per current policies, e.g. $50 late charge, $75 replacement charge. These fees are collected and retained by the institution which billed the patron. The billing institution is not required to request permission from the owning institution in order to make exceptions to the policy. For example, the billing institution may waive fines because the patron was hospitalized when the book was due.
Regardless of the circumstances surrounding the loss of an item, at no point, in any transaction, will institutions exchange money. The billing/patron institution may chose to accept a replacement copy in lieu of cash without contacting the owning library. If a replacement copy is received by the billing institution they will then contact the owning library. If the owning library agrees to accept the replacement, the billing institution will send the replacement copy to the owning library. Otherwise, the billing library may choose to keep the replacement for their own collection.
The decision to cease exchanging money is based on several factors:
- that LAC agreed that reconciliation processes involving the exchange of money between institutions was too staff- and time-intensive (11/20/2000);
- that decreasing staff and increasing workload demand that efficiencies be made;
- that over time, the loss of materials between institutions will find balance;
- that losing items in a circulating collection is a nominal cost for OhioLINK service.
Original Policy Written 11/20/1995, Revised 9/10/10