The function of the PCIRC team is to act on decisions made by ICS in terms of print borrowing between OhioLINK member libraries, including annual reconciliation, monitoring courier service, among other print lending activities.
Name | Institution | Stop Number | Delivery days | OCLC Code | Catalog Code | Phone | |
1st: Emily Samborsky 2nd: Scott Sanders |
Antioch College | 603 | M-F | ANC | an3bg | 937-319-0104 | |
Cathy Boswell | Antioch University Midwest | No PCIRC | ANTCH | au3bg | 603-283-2401 | | |
Judi Humphrey | Ashland University, incl Ashland Theological Seminary | 415 | M-F | ASC, ATH | as2ug | 419-289-5400 | |
1st: Circ Desk (Varies)
Baldwin Wallace University | 605 | M-F | OXB | bw3bg |
CIRC: 440-826-2204 |
Scott Frey | Belmont College | 301 | M-Th | BLT | be4tg |
740-699-3941 CIRC: 740-699-3828 | |
Juliette Lawson | Bluffton University | 607 | M-F | BLC | bf1ug | 419-358-3271 | |
1st: Katie Mihaly 2nd: Ruth Ann McCray |
Bowling Green State University | 202 | M-F | BGU | bg1ug |
1st: 419-372-8726 2nd: 419-372-2758 CIRC: 419-372-2051 |
Bowling Green State University - Firelands Campus | 502 | M-F | BGF | bg1ug | 419-372-0652 | | |
Scott Bates | Capital University | 407 | M-F | CAU | cp4ug |
614-236-6475 CIRC: 614-236-6614 | |
Dan Baker-Jones | Capital University - Law Library | 427 | M-Th | CAV | cp4ug | 614-236-6539 | |
Elli Cucksey | Capital University - Trinity Lutheran Seminary | 646 | M-F | LTS | cp4ug |
614-236-6853 CIRC: 614-236-6857 | |
1st: Samuel Katz 2nd: Carl Mariani
Case Western Reserve University - Kelvin Smith Library | 203 | M-F | CWR | ca2ug |
1st: 216-368-3510 2nd: 216-368-3463 CIRC: 216-368-3506 |
Cliff Horhn | Case Western Reserve University - Law Library | 554 | M-F | CWL | ca2ug |
216-368-8862 CIRC: 216-368-2792 | |
Lena Ford | Case Western Reserve University - MSASS | 555 | M-F | CWA | ca2ug | CIRC: 216-368-2302 | |
1st: Patty Marvel, Chris Dolwick | Case Western Reserve University - Cleveland Health Sciences, Allen Library | 553 | M-F | CHS | ca2ug |
1st: 216-368-4543 Allen Library CIRC: 216-368-3643 |; |
Da-Niel Gilcher | Cedarville University | 403 | M-F | CDC | cd3bg |
1st: 937-766-7838 2nd: 937-766-7840 | |
See OSU - Newark | Central Ohio Technical College | ||||||
Jennifer Beachman | Central State University | 204 | M-F | CNC | ce3ug | CIRC: 937-376-6106 | |
1st: Margaret Breidenbaugh 2nd: Myra Justus |
Cincinnati State Technical and Community College | 305 | M-F | OCT | ct3tg |
1st: 2nd: 513-569-4690 |
1st: Destiny Smith 2nd: Dr. Sterling Coleman |
Clark State College - Main Clark State - Greene |
333 |
T, Th |
CLT | cl3tg |
1st: 2nd: 937-328-6023 |
1st: DeAnna Camara 2nd: Matt Weaver |
Cleveland Clinic Library | 432 | M, W, F | ME6 | cc2mh | 216-444-5697 |
1st: Jackie Lagunzad 2nd: Laura Ponikvar |
Cleveland Institute of Art | 557 | M, W, F | OAC | ca2ug |
1st: 216-421-7443 2nd: 216-421-7442 CIRC: 216-421-7440 |
Varies | Cleveland Institute of Music | 559 | M, W | CIX | ca2ug | 216-795-3113 | |
Sarah Benedict | Cleveland State University | 206 | M-F | CSU | cs2ug |
216-687-2445 CIRC: 216-687-2479 | |
Tom Hurray | Cleveland State University Law Library | 507 | M-F | LMC | cs2ug | 216-687-2250 | |
1st: Michael Buttrey (days) 2nd: Carrie Gessner |
The College of Wooster | 707 | M-F | WOO | wo2bg |
1st: 330-263-2137 2nd: 330-263-2285 |
Christine Mannix | Columbus College of Art & Design | 608 | M-F | DZA | co4bg |
1st: 614-222-3272 CIRC: 614-222-3273 | |
1st: Vanessa Langhurst 2nd: Julie Dulaney |
Columbus State Community College | 304 | M-F | CTI | co4tg |
1st: 614-287-2899 2nd: 614-287-2267 CIRC: 614-287-2465 |
Kristine Kinzer | Columbus State Community College - Delaware Campus | 350 | M-Th | co4tg | 740-203-8183 | | |
Valerie Gary-Walker | Cuyahoga Community College - Eastern Campus | 324 | M-F | cc2tg | 216-987-2068 | | |
1st: Constance Clemons 2nd: Christina Sugar |
Cuyahoga Community College - Metropolitan Campus | 322 | M-F | cc2tg |
1st: 216-987-4293 2nd: 216-987-3607 CIRC: 216-987-4292 |
Amy Dawson | Cuyahoga Community College - Western Campus | 323 | M-F | CUL | cc2tg | 216-987-5410 | |
Jonathan Tarnai | Cuyahoga Community College - Westshore Campus | 326 | M-F | cc2tg |
216-987-3918 CIRC: 216-987-3888 | | |
1st: Maddie Clawson 2nd: Barb Sedlock |
Defiance College | 609 | M-F | DEF | de1bg |
1st: 419-783-2414 2nd: 419-783-2487 CIRC: 419-783-2481 |
1st: Andrew Wood 2nd: Carol Miller |
Denison University (CONSORT) | 701 | M-F | DNU | de4ug |
1st: 740-587-5711 2nd: 740-587-6729 CIRC: 740-587-6235 |
1st: Lisa Hoops |
Edison State Community College - Main Edison State Community College - Darke |
366 |
M, W, F
M, W |
ESC | ed3tg |
937-778-7950 CIRC: 937-778-7950 | |
1st: Zach Zdinak 2nd: Montoya McClelland |
Franciscan University of Steubenville | 613 | M-F | STU | fr2ug |
1st: 740-283-6220 2nd: 740-283-6366 CIRC: 740-283-6366 |
Chris Casey | Franklin University | 430 | W, Th, F | OFU | fr4ug |
614-947-6565 CIRC: 614-947-6550 | |
Cassandra Lagunzad | Heidelberg University | 615 | M-F | HEI | he1bg |
419-448-2242 CIRC: 419-448-2401 | |
Terri Foy | Hiram College | 411 | M-F | HIR | hi2bg |
330-569-5359 CIRC: 330-569-5489 | |
LaDora Ousley | Hocking College | 307 | T, Th | HTN | ho4tg | CIRC: 740-753-6332; 740-753-6338 | |
Adam Green | John Carroll University | 413 | M-F | JCU | jo2ug | 216-397-1637 | |
1st: Michelle Fidler | Kenyon College | 703 | M-F | KEN | ke2bg |
1st: 740-427-5049 CIRC: 740-427-5187 | |
Kelly Shook | Kent State University - Main, Ashtabula (513), College of Podiatric Medicine (566), East Liverpool (514), Geauga (512), Salem (509), Tuscarawas (511) | 208 |
M-F, East Liverpool (M-Th), Geauga (M, W, F)
KSU | ke2ug |
330-672-1648 CIRC: 330-672-7905 | |
see Kent Main | Kent State University - Stark | 510 | M-F | OCK | ke2ug | see Kent Main | see Kent Main |
see Kent Main | Kent State University - Trumbull | 508 | M-F | OWK | ke2ug | see Kent Main | see Kent Main |
Library (General) | Lake Erie College | 675 | M, W, F | LEC | le2bg | 440-375-7405 | |
Brian Hanna |
Lakeland Community College | 309 | M-Th | LCE | la2tg |
440-525-7273 CIRC: 440-525-7424 |
1st: Mary Beth Riley 2nd: Julysa Morales |
Lorain County Community College | 310 | M-Th | LLX | lo2tg |
1st: 440-366-4026 2nd: 440-366-4026 CIRC: 440-366-4026 |
Jodi Brown | Lourdes University | 616 | M, W, F | OLO | lo1bg | 419-824-3797 | |
1st: Mary-Ann Frischkorn 2nd: Library (General) |
Malone University | 617 | M-F | MAL | ma2bg |
1st: 330-471-8319 2nd: 330-471-8317 CIRC: 330-471-8317 |
Jeanne Catalano | Marietta College | 417 | M-F | MRC | ma4bg |
740-376-4360 CIRC: 740-376-4757 | |
See OSU - Marion | Marion Technical College | ||||||
Rebecca Gorski | Mercy College of Ohio | 618 | M, Th | MHT | me1bg | 419-251-1700 | |
Beth Bringman | Methodist Theological School in Ohio | 642 | M-F | TSM | ms4sg | 740-362-3450 | |
Kris Abney | Miami University | 210 | M-F | MIA | mu3ug | 513-529-2434 | |
Mark Shores | Miami University - Hamilton | 517 | M-F | OHM | mu3ug |
513-785-3203 INFO: 513-785-3235 | |
Jennifer Hicks | Miami University - Middletown | 516 | M-F | OMM | mu3ug |
513-727-3221 CIRC: 513-727-3222 | |
Noreen Mulcahy | Mount Carmel College of Nursing | 619 | M-F | HHM | mt4bg |
614-234-5337 CIRC: 614-234-5214 | |
Josh Zeller | Mount St. Joseph University | 404 | M-F | CMJ | mo3bg | 513-244-4882 | |
Kayla Morrell |
Mount St. Mary's Seminary & School of Theology (Formerly Athenaeum of Ohio) | 601 | M-F | ATO | at3ug | 513-233-6136 |
1st: Christy Taylor 2nd: Tim Radcliffe |
Mount Vernon Nazarene University | 408 | M-F | MZN | mv4bg |
740-397-9000 x4235 740-397-9000 x4245 CIRC: 740-397-9000 x4240 |
1st: Josh Springer 2nd: Library (General) |
Muskingum University | 623 | M-F | MSC | mu4bg |
1st: 740-826-8156 2nd: 740-826-8260 |
See OSU | North Central State College | ||||||
Laura Colwell | Northeast Ohio Medical University (NEOMED) - including Akron Children's Hospital, Akron General Med Center, Aultman Hospital, Mercy Med Center, Northside Med Center, St Elizabeth Health Center, Summa Akron City Hospital, Summa Barberton | 211 | M-F | ONE | ne2mh |
330-325-6593 CIRC: 330-325-6600 | |
Greg Burlingame | Northeastern Ohio Cooperative Regional Depository | 900 | M-F | OHDEP | oh5dp | 330-325-6401 | |
Dan Clapper | Northwest Ohio Regional Book Depository | 902 | M-F | OHDNW | oh5dp | 419-372-5761 | |
Dustin Harris | Northwest State Community College | 311 | M-Th | NTA | no1tg |
419-267-1283 CIRC: 419-267-1274 | |
Jennifer Schreiner | Oberlin College | 401 | M-F | OBE | ob2bg |
1st: | |
1st: Tina Craft 2nd: Mary Shmidt |
Ohio Christian University | 648 | M-F | CIRBC | oc4bg | 740-477-7737 | |
Joshua Byerly | Ohio Dominican University | 410 | M-F | ODC | od4bg |
614-251-4755 CIRC: 614-251-4752 |
1st: Bethany Spieth 2nd: Preema D'Souza |
Ohio Northern University | 402 | M-F | ONU | on1ug | 419-772-2181 | |
Chrys Goldy | Ohio Northern University - Law | combined with 402 | ONL | on1ug |
416-772-3057 CIRC: 419-772-2239 | | |
Autumn Clipner | The Ohio State University - Main | 212 | M-F | OSU | os4ug |
614-292-8030 CIRC: 614-292-8267 | |
see OSU Main | The Ohio State University - ATI | 520 | M-F | OS6 | os4ug | see OSU Main | see OSU Main |
see OSU Main | The Ohio State University/COTC - Coshocton | 519 | T, Th | os4ug | see OSU Main | see OSU Main | |
see OSU Main | The Ohio State University - Health Sciences | 525 | M-F | OS2 | os4ug | see OSU Main | see OSU Main |
see OSU Main | The Ohio State University/COTC - Knox | 528 | T, Th | os4ug | see OSU Main | see OSU Main | |
see OSU Main | The Ohio State University - Law | 524 | M-F | OHL | os4ug | see OSU Main | see OSU Main |
see OSU Main | The Ohio State University - Lima | 518 | M-F | os4ug | see OSU Main | see OSU Main | |
see OSU Main | The Ohio State University - Mansfield | 521 | M-F | OS0 | os4ug | see OSU Main | see OSU Main |
see OSU Main | The Ohio State University - Marion | 522 | M-Th | os4ug | see OSU Main | see OSU Main | |
see OSU Main | The Ohio State University - Newark | 523 | M-F | OS1 | os4ug | see OSU Main | see OSU Main |
see OSU Main | The Ohio State University - Pataskala | 539 | T, Th | os4ug | see OSU Main | see OSU Main | |
Gwen Short | The Ohio State University - OARDC | 520 | M-F | OAG | os4ug | 330-263-3773 | |
1st: George Cheripko 2nd: Joey Walden |
Ohio University - Main, Athens | 213 | M-F | OUN | ou4ug |
740-593-2693 CIRC: 740-593-2695 | |
Brandi Weaver | Ohio University - Chillicothe | 530 | M-F | OUC | ou4ug | 740-774-7201 | |
Brad Cecil | Ohio University - Eastern | 529 | M-F | OUB | ou4ug |
740-699-2332 CIRC: 740-699-2519 | |
Barbara Costas-Biggs | Ohio University - Southern (Ironton) | 533 | M-F | OIB | ou4ug | 740-533-4649 | |
Judy Carey Nevin | Ohio University - Lancaster | 532 | M-F | OUL | ou4ug | 740-681-3351 | |
Kate Hoefler | Ohio University - Zanesville | 531 | M-F | OHH | ou4ug |
740-588-1404 |
1st: Pam Majors (weekdays) 2nd: Mark Wicker (evening) |
Ohio Wesleyan University | 705 | M-F | OWU | ow4ug |
1st: 740-368-3226 2nd: 740-358-3228 CIRC: 740-368-3225 |
OPAL Help Desk at OhioNet |
OPAL Libraries
op4bg |
614-486-2966 ext. 17 |
1st: Gabby Freshly 2nd:Rebecca (Becky) Gale
Otterbein University | 625 | M-F | OTC | ot4bg |
1st: 614-823-3072 2nd: 614-823-1799 CIRC: 614-823-1215 |
Jennifer Blum | Owens Community College - Main - Toledo | 312 | M-F | MJO | ow1tg |
567-661-7016 CIRC: 567-661-7015 | |
Paul Weaver | Owens Community College - Findlay | 330 | M-Th | MJO | ow1tg |
567-661-7234 CIRC: 567-429-3088 | |
Michelle Brown | Pontifical College Josephinum | 644 | M-Th | PCJ | pc4sg | 614-985-2292 | |
see OSU Lima | Rhodes State College | ||||||
Alan K Rome | Saint Mary Seminary | 670 | M-F | SMSOH | sm2ug | 440-943-7665 | |
1st: Dan Smith 2nd: Marcia Tackett |
Shawnee State University | 214 | M-F | OSS | sh4ug |
1st: 740-351-3492 2nd: 740-351-3515 CIRC: 740-351-3255 |
1st: Emily Gibson 2nd: Rayna Alvarado
Sinclair Community College; Centerville (343), Courseview (344) | 314 |
T, Th T, Th
SIN | si3tg |
1st: 937-512-2375 2nd: 937-512-2855 CIRC: 937-512-3007 |;
1st: George Cheripko 2nd: Jeff Fulk |
Southeast Ohio Regional Library Depository | 213 (OU-Main) | OUN | ou4ug |
CIRC: ReBecca Griffith Overdues & Cleanup: Sonjia Muladore |
Southern State Community College, Brown County Campus (336) | 335 | M-Th | OSC | so3tg |
CIRC: 937-393-3431 x2684 Overdues: 937-393-3431 x2681 |
Pam Lipscomb | Southwest Ohio Regional Depository | 906 | M-F | OHDSW | oh5dp | 513-727-3475 | |
See Kent State University - Stark | Stark State College | | |||||
Jarrett Bates | State Library of Ohio | 215 | M-F | OHI | sl4gg | CIRC: 614-644-6950 | |
Melissa Detwiler | Terra State Community College | 316 | M-Th | TTC | te1tg |
419-559-2125 |
Library | Tiffin University | 627 | M-F | UXC | ti1ug |
1st: 419-448-3435 2nd: 419-448-3326 | |
Marie Zufall | University of Akron | 201 | M-F | AKR | ak2ug |
330-972-6193 CIRC: 330-972-5355 | |
Tiffanie Nevins | University of Akron - Law | 537 | M-F | AKL | ak2ug |
330-972-6355 CIRC: 330-972-7330 | |
Maureen Lerch | University of Akron - Wayne, |
501 |
T, Th |
WGT | ak2ug |
330-684-8789 | |
John Stork | University of Cincinnati | 205 | M-F | CIN | ci3ug |
513-556-1984 CIRC: 513-556-1424 | |
Pam Adler | University of Cincinnati - Blue Ash | 503 | M-F | ORW | ci3ug | 513-558-8738 | |
Kristen Burgess Karen Whyte |
University of Cincinnati - Cincinnati Children's Hospital | 565 | Th | CHL | ci3ug |
513-636-4320 |
John Lortie | University of Cincinnati - Clermont | 504 | M-F | CGT | ci3ug | 513-558-6955 | |
Dean Bachelder | University of Cincinnati - Health Sciences | 505 | M, W, F | MXC | ci3ug |
513-558-5677 CIRC: 513-558-0127 | |
1st: Susan Boland 2nd: Lisa Wernke |
University of Cincinnati - Law | 506 | OML | ci3ug |
1st: 513-556-4407 2nd: 513-556-0156 |
1st: Natalie Gut 2nd: Elizabeth Jacobs |
University of Dayton | 207 | M-F | DAY | da3ug |
1st: 937-229-4301 2nd: 937-229-4527 CIRC: 937-229-4234 |
Paul Vernard | University of Dayton - Law | 538 | M-F | ODL | da3ug | 937-229-4151 | |
Pam Carles | The University of Findlay | 611 | M-F | FIN | fi1ug | 419-434-4612 | |
Tina Powers | University of Mount Union | 621 | M-F | MTU | mu2bg |
330-823-3890 CIRC: 330-823-3890 | |
1st: Paul Higdon | University of Northwestern Ohio | 672 | M, W, F | OHUNW | nw1bg | 419-998-8446 | |
1st: Deborah Thompson 2nd: Carrie Girton |
University of Rio Grande and Rio Grande Community College |
313 |
RGC | ri4tg |
1st: 740-245-7322 2nd: 740-245-7459 CIRC: 740-245-7005 |
Jennifer Babcock | University of Toledo | 216 | M-F | TOL | to1ug |
419-530-8531 CIRC: 419-530-2323 | |
Christie Lowry | University of Toledo - Law Library | 545 | M-F | UTL | to1ug | 419-530-2880 | |
1st: Darcy Chears 2nd: Devonte Stovall
University of Toledo - Health Sciences | 209 | M-F | MCL | to1ug |
1st: 419-383-4225 2nd: 419-393-4225 CIRC: 419-383-4225 |
Jason Petraska | Ursuline College | 409 | M-F | URC | us2bg |
440-449-8177 | |
Kathy Adams | Walsh University | 640 | M-F | WAL | wa2ug |
330-490-7185 CIRC: 330-490-7185 | |
Jeff Graffius | Washington State College of Ohio | 317 | M-Th | WY1 | wa4tg | 740-568-1914 x3108 | |
1st: Elizabeth House 2nd: Kathern Hatfield |
Wilmington College |
631 | M-F | WMC | wl3bg |
1st: 937-481-2441 2nd: 937-481-2398 CIRC: 937-481-2345 |
1st: Karen Balliet 2nd: Matt Lawson |
Wittenberg University |
412 | M-F | WIT | wn3ug |
1st: 937-327-7510 2nd: 937-327-7512 |
1st: Arthur Seifert 2nd: Matt Shreffler |
Wright State University - Main | 217 | M-F | WSU | ws3ug |
1st: 937-775-3573 2nd: 937-775-3565 CIRC: 937-775-2525 | |
see WSU Main | Wright State University - Health Sciences | 217 | M-F | ws3ug | see WSU Main | see WSU Main | |
see WSU Main | Wright State University - Lake Campus | 549 | M-F | WSC | ws3ug | see WSU Main | see WSU Main |
Stella Freeman | Wright State University affl Kettering College | 551 | M-F | OH6 | ws3ug |
937-395-8053 x3 | |
Sidnie Reed | Xavier University | 406 | M-F | XAV | xa3ug |
513-745-4812 CIRC: 513-745-3881 | |
1st: Kenny Reyes 2nd: Ana Torres |
Youngstown State University | 218 | M-F | YNG | ys2ug |
1st: 330-941-1721 2nd: 330-941-1717 or 330-941-3675 CIRC: 330-941-3678 |
see OU Zanesville | Zane State College |