Emily Samborsky | Antioch College | esamborsky@antiochcollege.edu |
Abagail Jones | Antioch University | ajones7@antioch.edu |
Cathy Boswell | Antioch University | cboswell@antioch.edu |
Patricia Frank | Ashland University | pfrank1@ashland.edu |
Daniel O'Brien | Ashland University | dobrien1@ashland.edu |
Connie Song | Athenaeum of Ohio | csong@athenaeum.edu |
Laura D'Aveta | Baldwin Wallace University | ladaveta@bw.edu |
John Curtis | Baldwin Wallace University | jcurtis@bw.edu |
Scott Frey | Belmont College | sfrey@belmontcollege.edu |
Kathleen Aufderhaar | Bluffton University | aufderhaark@bluffton.edu |
Mark Strang | Bowling Green State University | mstrang@bgsu.edu |
Andrea Boehme | Bowling Green State University | andboeh@bgsu.edu |
Scott Bates | Capital University | sbates@capital.edu |
Amanda Flinn | Capital University - Law School | aflinn8@law.capital.edu |
Jennifer Wondracek | Capital University - Law School | jwondracek@law.capital.edu |
Ted Pitts | Case Western Reserve University | ttp17@case.edu |
Linda Divan | Cedarville University | divanl@cedarville.edu |
Julie Deardorff | Cedarville University | deardorj@cedarville.edu |
Katie Blocksidge | Central Ohio Technical College | blocksidge.3@osu.edu |
Jennifer Beachman | Central State University | jbeachman@centralstate.edu |
Carolin Sterling | Central State University | csterling@centralstate.edu |
Crissy Ross | Cincinnati State Technical and Community College | crissy.ross@cincinnatistate.edu |
Tracey Stivers | Cincinnati State Technical and Community College | tracey.stivers@cincinnatistate.edu |
Dr. Sterling Coleman | Clark State College | colemans@clarkstate.edu |
Nathan Walters | Clark State College | waltersn@clarkstate.edu |
Matt Weaver | Cleveland Clinic | weaverm2@ccf.org |
LaDonna Pierce | Cleveland Clinic | piercel6@ccf.org |
Shelby Stuart | Cleveland Clinic | stuarts3@ccf.org |
Starr Dobson | Cleveland Institute of Art | jsdobson@cia.edu |
Laura Ponikvar | Cleveland Institute of Art | lponikvar@cia.edu |
Ted Pitts | Cleveland Institute of Music | ttp17@case.edu |
Brandon Walker | Cleveland State University | b.l.walker20@csuohio.edu |
Spencer Lamm | College of Wooster | lamms@ohio5.org |
Mark Gooch | College of Wooster | mgooch@wooster.edu |
Brett Williams | Columbus College of Art and Design | bwilliams@ccad.edu |
Hammad Khan | Columbus College of Art and Design | hkhan@ccad.edu |
Christine Mannix | Columbus College of Art and Design | cmannix@ccad.edu |
Robin Buser | Columbus State Community College | rbuser@cscc.edu |
Hydy Cates | Columbus State Community College | hcates1@cscc.edu |
Scott Trimmer | Cuyahoga Community College | scott.trimmer@tri-c.edu |
Tabia Gilbert | Cuyahoga Community College | tabia.gilbert@tri-c.edu |
Maddie Clawson | Defiance College | mclawson@defiance.edu |
Lisa Crumit-Hancock | Defiance College | lcrumithancock@defiance.edu |
Spencer Lamm | Denison University | lamms@ohio5.org |
Michayla Nester | Denison University | nesterm@denison.edu |
Lisa Hoops | Edison State Community College | lhoops@edisonohio.edu |
Amy Leoni | Franciscan University of Steubenville | aleoni@franciscan.edu |
Kristi Lobrano | Franklin University | kristi.lobrano@franklin.edu |
Cassandra Lagunzad Brown | Heidelberg University | clagunza@heidelberg.edu |
Matt Polcyn | Heidelberg University | mattp@ohionet.org |
Laurence Skirvin | Hiram College | skirvinlt@hiram.edu |
Matt Polcyn | Hiram College | mattp@ohionet.org |
LaDora Ousley | Hocking College | ousleyl@hocking.edu |
David Herold | Hocking College | heroldd@hocking.edu |
Matt Polcyn | John Carroll University | mattp@ohionet.org |
Lauren Marshall | John Carroll University | lmarshall@jcu.edu |
Mike Collura | Kent State University | mcollura@kent.edu |
Dorothea Richards | Kent State University | dricha50@kent.edu |
Spencer Lamm | Kenyon College | lamms@ohio5.org |
Chris Hudson | Kenyon College | hudsoncg@kenyon.edu |
Jennifer Miller | Lake Erie College | jemiller@lec.edu |
Thomas Hyland | Lakeland Community College | thyland@lakelandcc.edu |
Megan Mamolen | Lakeland Community College | mmamolen1@lakelandcc.edu |
Courtney Bordeau Roman | Lorain County Community College | cbordeau@lorainccc.edu |
Chris Sheetz | Lorain County Community College | csheetz@lorainccc.edu |
Jodi Brown | Lourdes University | jbrown@lourdes.edu |
Heidi Beke-Harrigan | Lourdes University | heidib@ohionet.org |
Julie Harris | Malone University | juharris@malone.edu |
Angela Burdiss | Marietta College | burdissa@marietta.edu |
Patricia Wood | Marion Technical College | woodp@mtc.edu |
Rebecca Daniels | Mercy College of Ohio | rebecca.daniels@mercycollege.edu |
David Powell | Methodist Theological School in Ohio | dpowell@mtso.edu |
Alea Henle | Miami University | henlear@miamioh.edu |
Stan Brown | Miami University | brownsj1@miamioh.edu |
Noreen Mulcahy | Mount Carmel College of Nursing | nmulcahy@mchs.com |
Cynthia Gregory | Mount St. Joseph University | cynthia.gregory@msj.edu |
Julie Flanders | Mount St. Joseph University | julie.flanders@msj.edu |
Tim Radcliffe | Mount Vernon Nazarene University | tradcliffe@mvnu.edu |
Karen Nelson | Muskingum University | karenn@muskingum.edu |
Josh Springer | Muskingum University | springer@muskingum.edu |
Andrea Wittmer | North Central State College | wittmer.7@osu.edu |
Todd Wallwork | Northeast Ohio Medical University (NEOMED) | twallwork@neomed.edu |
Gregory Burlingame | Northeastern Ohio Cooperative Regional Depository | gburlingame@neomed.edu |
Kristi Rotroff | Northwest State Community College | krotroff@northweststate.edu |
Dustin Harris | Northwest State Community College | dharris@northweststate.edu |
Matt Polcyn | OPAL | mattp@ohionet.org |
Paul Heyde | Oberlin College | pheyde@oberlin.edu |
Michael McFarlin | Oberlin College | mmcfarli@oberlin.edu |
Spencer Lamm | Oberlin College | lamms@ohio5.org |
Tina Craft | Ohio Christian University | tcraft@ohiochristian.edu |
Lindsey Mason | Ohio Dominican University | masonl2@ohiodominican.edu |
Heather Crozier | Ohio Northern University | h-crozier@onu.edu |
Jenny Donley | Ohio Northern University | j-donley.1@onu.edu |
Amanda Woodburn | Ohio State University | woodburn.16@osu.edu |
Morag Boyd | Ohio State University | boyd.402@osu.edu |
Damon DeBorde | Ohio University | deborded@ohio.edu |
Spencer Lamm | Ohio Wesleyan University | lamms@ohio5.org |
Amanda Raab | Ohio Wesleyan University | asraab@owu.edu |
Becky Gale | Otterbein University | rgale@otterbein.edu |
Allen Reichert | Otterbein University | preichert@otterbein.edu |
Jenny Blum | Owens Community College | jennifer_blum@owens.edu |
Paul Weaver | Owens Community College | paul_weaver2@owens.edu |
Mary Miller | Owens Community College | mary_miller17@owens.edu |
Jane Berger | Owens Community College | jane_berger2@owens.edu |
Anna Burwell | Owens Community College | anna_burwell@owens.edu |
Beverly Lane | Pontifical College Josephinum | bslane@pcj.edu |
Tina Schneider | Rhodes State College | schneider.290@osu.edu |
Alan Rome | Saint Mary Seminary and Graduate School of Theology | akrome@dioceseofcleveland.org |
Joe Glass | Saint Mary Seminary and Graduate School of Theology | jglass@stmarysem.edu |
Suzanne Johnson-Varney | Shawnee State University | svarney@shawnee.edu |
Jacqueline Allen | Shawnee State University | jallen@shawnee.edu |
Austin Pevler | Sinclair Community College | austin.pevler@sinclair.edu |
Andrea Christman Atkinson | Sinclair Community College | andrea.atkinson@sinclair.edu |
Breana Fair | Southern State Community College | bfair@sscc.edu |
Becca Griffith | Southern State Community College | rgriffith@sscc.edu |
Jeff Lash | Stark State College | jlash@starkstate.edu |
Sara Klink | Stark State College | sklink@starkstate.edu |
Marcia Addison | Stark State College | maddison@starkstate.edu |
David Green | State Library of Ohio | dgreen@library.ohio.gov |
Ryan Burley | State Library of Ohio | rburley@library.ohio.gov |
Amy Beam | Terra State Community College | abeam01@terra.edu |
Melissa Detwiler | Terra State Community College | mdetwil01@terra.edu |
Luann Edwards | Tiffin University | edwardslu@tiffin.edu |
Gregg Harris | University of Akron | gmh26@uakron.edu |
Melanie Smith-Farrell | University of Akron | melani6@uakron.edu |
Jim Campbell | University of Cincinnati | campbejo@ucmail.uc.edu |
Jéanne Brooks | University of Cincinnati | brook2j2@ucmail.uc.edu |
Kevin Cretsos | University of Dayton | kcretsos1@udayton.edu |
Simon Robins | University of Dayton | srobins1@udayton.edu |
Ben Daigle | University of Dayton | bdaigle1@udayton.edu |
Rebecca Quintus | University of Findlay | quintus@findlay.edu |
Pam Carles | University of Findlay | carlesp@findlay.edu |
Abigail Noland | University of Mount Union | nolandab@mountunion.edu |
Paul Higdon | University of Northwestern Ohio | phigdon@unoh.edu |
Deborah Thompson | University of Rio Grande | thompson@rio.edu |
Carrie Girton | University of Rio Grande | cgirton@rio.edu |
Mitchell Rice | University of Toledo | mitchell.rice@utoledo.edu |
Christine Rigda | University of Toledo | christine.rigda@utoledo.edu |
Tabitha Barr | Ursuline College | tabitha.barr@ursuline.edu |
Suzanna Schroeder-Green | Ursuline College | sschroeder@ursuline.edu |
Brian Richards | Walsh University | brichards@walsh.edu |
Amber Hinds | Walsh University | ahinds@walsh.edu |
Jeff Graffius | Washington State College of Ohio | jgraffius@wscc.edu |
Lee Bowman | Wilmington College | lee_bowman@wilmington.edu |
Kari Siders | Wilmington College | kari.siders@wilmington.edu |
Suzanne Smailes | Wittenberg University | ssmailes@wittenberg.edu |
Marty Jenkins | Wright State University | martin.jenkins@wright.edu |
Leigh Duncan | Wright State University | leigh.duncan@wright.edu |
Michelle Early | Xavier University | early@xavier.edu |
Megan Kickbush | Xavier University | kickbushm@xavier.edu |
Christine Adams | Youngstown State University | cmadams02@ysu.edu |
Shelly Zhu | Youngstown State University | xzhu@ysu.edu |
Damon DeBorde | Zane State College | deborded@ohio.edu |