Frequently Asked Questions

What is OhioLINK?

Questions that it's best to talk with your campus library about

Who can use OhioLINK’s library materials?

Borrowing books and other printed materials

Accessing OhioLINK’s databases, electronic journals, and e-books online

Questions about the Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) Center


What is OhioLINK?

OhioLINK is a group, or consortia, of 116 academic libraries and the State Library of Ohio. OhioLINK’s central office and libraries work together to provide shared library resources for all our members’ students, faculty, and staff – that’s almost 1 million people in Ohio. By sharing resources, all the participating libraries have access to a lot more academic library content than they could purchase on their own. OhioLINK provides access to a core set of library resources– both print and digital--to support higher education teaching and learning for all—at research universities, private and community colleges.

OhioLINK has negotiating power to acquire resources and then shares the work of providing library users access to those resources. Our central office has a dedicated team of librarians and technologists who work to support the OhioLINK member libraries through cost saving efforts, technology initiatives, and collaboration.

My instructor said, “go to OhioLINK.” How can I find resources for course assignments or projects?

It’s always best to start with your own library, as it likely has resources beyond OhioLINK’s. Your institution’s librarians are available to help students navigate information resources and develop effective search strategies. They would be excited to work with you to address your information needs.

What if I can't find what I'm looking for?

If you are looking for information not available through OhioLINK libraries, please talk to your library’s Interlibrary Loan librarians.

What if I have questions about requests or a problem with a requested item?

It’s always best to start with contacting your own library. Your institution’s librarians are available to help students navigate all information resources and develop effective search strategies. They would be excited to work with you to address your information needs.

What if my OhioLINK account isn't accurate?

Please contact your local library. OhioLINK staff cannot access individual library accounts/records or help with fine disputes.

What materials can I get through OhioLINK?

You can discover OhioLINK’s shared print and digital materials by searching OhioLINK’s Central Catalog.  Note that the Central Catalog only includes materials that are share-able among our libraries. It does not include every item that every library has.

If you are looking for journal articles, see OhioLINK Databases or Electronic Journal Center.

If you are looking for e-books, you can also search OhioLINK’s Electronic Book Center. E-books can also be found by searching in the Central Catalog.

If you are looking for information not available through OhioLINK, please talk to your institution (or public) librarians because OhioLINK resources are only part of what is available through your institution or public library. Your librarians are available to help people navigate their information resources and develop effective search strategies.

Who can borrow items or use OhioLINK’s digital resources, such as electronic journals, books and databases?

Students, faculty, or staff at OhioLINK member institutions can fully access both printed materials and OhioLINK’s digital library through their library. Employees of the State of Ohio staff can access them through the State Library of Ohio.

People with a library card through one of the SearchOhio public libraries can borrow circulating OhioLINK institution books, some audiovisual items, and other print materials through their libraries.

What if I want to borrow something not available through a SearchOhio library and am not a university staff member or student?

Many OhioLINK institutions libraries have walk-in policies that allow the public to visit and access OhioLINK’s digital library on-site. Check with your preferred OhioLINK institution library because individual library policies differ.

What is “authorized use" of OhioLINK resources?

Most OhioLINK resources are available only to faculty, staff, students of OhioLINK member libraries for educational, research or teaching purposes. Please consult your library staff if you need help understanding authorized use. Transfer of digital content to non-authorized users is prohibited, as is commercial use. Unauthorized use of OhioLINK resources may result in loss of OhioLINK privileges.

Where do I find books and printed materials to borrow?

You can discover books and print materials by searching OhioLINK’s Central Catalog. The Central Catalog includes circulating materials that are available for delivery to a member library of the user’s choice. These borrowable resources include books, print journals and periodicals, audiovisual materials, sound recordings, government documents, maps, music scores and more. Note that the Central Catalog only includes materials that are share-able among our libraries. It does not include every item that every library has.

How do I request an item?

  1. Find the desired book or item in the OhioLINK Central Catalog. The system looks for an available copy and selects a lending library.
  3. Select your institution from the list.
  4. Fill in your name and ID number.
  5. Select your preferred pick-up location

How do I cancel a request for an OhioLINK item?

You can cancel an OhioLINK request when viewing your record in your local library catalog. Please contact your library if you need help.

What is the loan period for items borrowed through OhioLINK?

Books are loaned for 3 weeks and may be renewed up to 6 times (to a maximum of 21 weeks) if not requested by another user. Faculty users have a 6-week (42 days) loan period and also may be renewed up to 6 times (up to a maximum of 42 weeks) if not requested by another user. Non-book items are loaned for 1 week and can be renewed up to 3 times if not requested by another user.

How long do requested items take to arrive?

If the items were available at a library when you requested them, they should be ready for pick up in approximately 5-7 weekday business days. This time can vary. If you need your item faster than this, your library may be able to help you find alternate sources. Please contact your library if you have questions about your record/account or the status of a requested item.

How will I know when my requested items are ready for pick up?

Some OhioLINK libraries do send courtesy e-mail notices about OhioLINK items that are ready for pick up. Contact your library for details on e-mail notices or with questions about your requested item.

Do I have to have my OhioLINK items be delivered to my campus?

OhioLINK materials can be delivered to any participating library. Before your item is in transit, you can change the "pickup institution" from the drop-down menu to your preferred location. For other questions about delivery of items, please contact your library.

How can I see what OhioLINK materials I have requested or checked out?

You can check your requests by viewing your account at your library’s site. Log in and go to the requests (holds) portion of your library record to follow the progress of your request:

  • REQUESTED: the request is in the system queue
  • IN TRANSIT: the item is on its way from the owning library
  • OHIOLINK REC'D: the item is received at your school

Can I renew OhioLINK items?

If not requested by another user, you can renew OhioLINK books online within 7 days of the due date up to 6 times. Non-book items can be renewed up to 3 times if not requested by another user.

How do I renew OhioLINK items?

  1. Log into your library record/account from your institution’s library
  2. Click on “# items currently checked out”
  3. Sort by Due Date to see what's due soon
  4. Select the items you want to renew
  5. Click on “renew selected items”
  6. Watch the display to see if renewals were successful
  7. If you have problems renewing, please contact your library.

What are the fines for overdue OhioLINK items?

Fines for overdue OhioLINK item are $0.50 per day. Returning an item that has been billed and/or is more than 30 days overdue will incur a $50 fine. If an item is not renewable because another user has requested it, you can return it and try to order a copy from another institution.

Who should I contact about problems, fine disputes, etc?

Please contact your local library for the best and fastest assistance. OhioLINK staff cannot access individual library accounts/records or help with fine disputes.

What if I can’t find the item I’m looking for?

Your institution's (or public) librarians can help users navigate their information resources and develop effective search strategies. They would be happy to work with you to address your information needs.

How can I use OhioLINK’s digital library resources?

Students, faculty, and staff at OhioLINK member institutions can access OhioLINK’s digital library of databases, electronic journals, and electronic books through their library. Employees of the State of Ohio can access these resources through the State Library of Ohio.

What if I’m not a student or staff at a college or state agency? Is there any other way?

Many of OhioLINK institutions libraries have walk-in policies that allow the public to visit and access OhioLINK’s digital library on-site. Check with your preferred OhioLINK institution library because individual library’s policies differ.