OhioLINK Wiley OA Information for Authors

Mar 18, 2022

What is Open Access and what are the benefits? Author workflow: how to submit a manuscript to an Open Access journal and getting the APC covered through an existing agreement with institution;  Publication tips for authors: Why publish; Submission and review: what to expect? Writing tips; Tools for authors: Author Services and Wiley Editing Services.

Transcription (select to toggle opened/closed)

Speaker 2 All right, well, I guess good. Good morning, everyone. You had a slight preview, but thank you for joining us. So we're here today, really to discuss the agreement between Wiley and OhioLINK and the agreement allows for corresponding authors affiliated with institutions in Ohio the ability to publish their article, open access in any of Wiley's 1,400 hybrid journals. And that would be at no cost to the author. I'm going to go ahead and just drop some additional eligibility information into the chat, and that would be OhioLINK's landing page where you can obtain additional information when it comes to making sure that you're eligible to participate. So without further ado, I will hand it over to Fabio, who will take you through the process of what you can anticipate.


Speaker 1 Thank you so much, BJ. Thanks all of you for being here today, and sorry for the little incident. I did not know I was live, so my name is Fabio DiBello and I'm the customer success manager at Wiley. And and I'm very glad to be here today. This is actually the agenda I would like to discuss with you. First, I'd like to just give you a brief overview of the open access world, you know, and show you what the benefits can be for researchers, authors publishing open access rather than in traditional subscription only journals. And then I'll be showing you the actual order, workflow and more in particular, how to, you know, I'm going to show you how to submit a manuscript to a Wiley hybrid open access journals and getting the APC covered through your current agreement with OhioLINK. OK. And ultimately, I'll be sharing some useful tools, such as audio services and Wiley Editing Services, which can really guide you through the entire process, from writing the manuscript to submitting your manuscript and promote your article once that's being published. OK. So we're not going to run any poll first. I just wanted to, you know, normally I ask the audience what is their level of experience with publishing in open access and whether they have and you know, they have published open access with Wiley before. But because this is a different platform, we can't actually physically run the poll. By the way, I forgot to mention that if you have any question during my presentation, if I am unclear, you need further clarifications. Please don't hesitate to write, interact with the chat or, you know, raise your your question. And you know, I'm sure B.J. will monitor your questions and we'll be happy to answer any any doubts that you may have. Well, let's introduce Wiley first. Well, Wiley one is one of the world's foremost academic and professional publishers and has partnership with over 1,200 leading scientific societies. It's been running for over 200 years and has a customer base of over 18 million researchers and professionals. While, I'm very proud to say that over 450 orders were awarded Nobel prize. And let's move on to introducing open access in general. So what it is and what are the benefits? Well, first of all, there are three types of journals where researchers can publish their research findings, while the first one is the subscription only journals. So researchers can publish free of charge, but readers need to have a subscription to the journal in order to be able to read the article. That's the traditional world we've all been accustomed to. Then we have the full open access journal or the Gold Open Access journals. And these are journals where articles all articles are fully freely accessible online, so you don't need to have a subscription to read the article, but the author is required to pay an article publication charge. You know, we call it APC in order to publish the article. And normally the APC is basically paid by the author's institution or specific funding or via the author's credit card, you know? Now, the good thing the good news is that you now have an agreement with your institution that will enable you to skip to pay the APC, so you know, normally you would pay the APC by yourself or, you know, using your credit card or any other fund. Now, from now on, you'll be able to actually get it funded centrally using OhioLINK agreement. And that's really good news because the APC, of course, can be, you know, sometimes costly. And that's a good way to facilitate your your publication process. And. Your agreement only includes the hybrid journals, so not the full or gold open access, journal. So what are the hybrid journals? Well, these are subscription journals that allow open access publications. So this meaning that articles can be published behind or outside paywall. Meaning that a specific article can be available in both subscription mode only and subscription mode, plus open access making the dual in a dual mode. And as B.J. was mentioning before you have access, you know you have the possibility to publish in circa 1,400 hybrid journals. Whereas, you know, the Wiley, open access journals of the gold open access, journals are the number of 400.


Speaker 1 OK, now there are four different types of open access articles, and I'd like to show you this very quick guide that shows you different types of articles by looking at the color of the padlock icon that is available next to the article. So you can see here that an article that has a yellow padlock means that it is freely available online for all to read, download, reuse and share. Typically, the APC, the article publication charge is applied, and as I said before, this may be covered by an institution or founder. And the type of license that is commonly used is Creative Commons license, which means that the author retains the copyright. Now what happens if you see a purple padlock next to the article? Well, it means that the author self archives a version of the subscription article in the online repository or website. But this is usually subject to 12 up to 24 months embargo, period. But the good thing is that the authors retain the right to use their articles for certain specific purposes. OK, then the orange, the third one, the orange padlock icon, means that articles are usually in subscription journals, but they are made free to read by the publisher. So it's a publisher decision. It's an online subscription journal so, everybody needs to have a subscription or pay in the individual article about it to read the full text. But the publisher may decide to make a specific article free to read. Articles are not formally licensed for use. It's only free to read, but not free to be reused. There is no fee or charge, but because this is a free publisher's decision, the publisher is not under any obligation to keep the article free to read. And then lastly, we have the gray padlock icon, which means that, again, the article is freely available online for all to read, download, reuse and share. The author retains the copyright. There is no direct author fees. Publishing costs supported by the sponsor. So that's the four different category categories of open access articles that you can find out there.


Speaker 1 Now, let's talk about more in detail about the Creative Commons attribution license, because when authors publish their work open access, they need to use one of the possible. One of the three Creative Commons license is that you that you see here in the slide. Now, the most commonly used of those licenses is the top one, the Creative Commons attribution license. Over over 90 percent of Wiley journals offer authors the choice of making their work available under this most permissive of licenses. But a smaller number of journals offer the CC BY NC Noncommercial license, which basically lets others build upon in the local work only for noncommercial purposes. And lastly, some other journalists offer the CC BY ND: no derivative works license, which permits the sharing of the article but doesn't permit modification of the material. So this license is particularly important to orders in the humanities, where the specific choice of words used to express a concept or theory carries a great deal of importance. Now, this year marks 11 years since the launch of Wiley's Open Access Journal program. And in the last 11 years, we've grown from a whole of two top, you know, two journals in 2011 to more than 450 today. We're talking about full text, you know, full called open access. Approximately half of those have come about with our busy acquisition of Hindawi at the beginning of last year. And together we are now the third largest open access publisher in the world. But we did we've built up our portfolio of open access titles with some of the leading societies in the world. In fact, of the 240 or so widely published journals, a full 75 percent are published in partnership with societies. These can span from ecology through to cardiology, from materials science through to Earth science. We have transitioned many journals to open access during the last 11 years, and we have seen on every single one an increase in usage, which probably isn't surprising, but also an increase in citations and submissions.


Speaker 1 Well, I've talked about the ways that we are making open access, publishing a reality for researchers around the world, and I think it's important to spend a minute or two thinking about the benefits that open access publishing brings to those researchers. Well, yes, there is the big picture benefit that sharing work as widely as possible contributes to an acceleration of the research effort, enabling others to build upon the progress we've made rather than starting from scratch and perhaps repeating some of the same mistakes you made. But I think it's also important for us to be aware of some of the perhaps more tangible benefits for researchers. So here I am sharing some headlines from a study we conducted into four years of publication data at Wiley. And as you can see, this graph demonstrates that open access articles are downloaded three times as much as subscription articles receive an average of twice the citations and almost five times as much Altmetric attention. So as you can see, the you know, those can be really compelling reasons for an author. Or a researcher, you want to make the article as widely available as possible through open access. With all that said, I'd like to map the key advantages of publishing with Wiley open access journals. Firstly, Wiley's tradition in publishing excellence in terms of high standard of peer review journals in in a multidisciplinary arena. Then I would say the rapidity of publication and widest possible dissemination. As all Wiley open access journal articles are freely available to read, download and share on PubMed Central and the Wiley Online Library. Compliance with open access mandates is also very important. And lastly, article discovery and metrics is that while the open access journal articles feature article discovery tools and metrics that increase article discoverability, and this can really help you connect with your colleagues and give usage usage metrics of individual articles.


Speaker 1 Great. So I just want to pause for a second just to make sure that everything is alright. Is there any any questions so far? Any any comment?


Speaker 2 No, I don't see any questions in the chat for us Fabio.


Speaker 1 That's great. Thank you so much. So now let's talk about the core of this presentation, which is actually showing you how to submit a manuscript to a Wiley open access journal and getting your APC covered through the OhioLINK agreement. OK. So as I told you before you, your Wiley agreement only covers the APC for hybrid journals, and therefore we're going to be focusing on the authors workflow or hybrid journals. OK. Everything starts with the beautiful email that you as an author, may receive from Wiley stating that your article has been accepted for publication. That's great news because normally articles don't get accepted. I mean, there is a quite high probability that your article doesn't get accepted. So when you get accepted, it is surely a moment of glory. And when you receive this email saying that your article has been accepted, what you have to do is go back to Author Services platform and log in. And you have to log in and you have to basically complete all the steps that is that are fundamentally required in order to publish the article, open access and benefiting of the one year agreement for covering the APC. So you're now logging in using your credentials, and this is what you see when you land on the on the Wiley author services page after you log in. You will see my article here and you will see all of your articles that require some actions. See here. For instance, this article will require you to sign a license or these articles, for instance, is eligible for covering the APC through your institution at no fee. So now what does it? What does it mean? It means that you, as an author has stated in affiliation. And your affiliation must be matched correctly in the Ringgold database, which is the database we use to to to perform the match between your affiliation and all the affiliations that have a wide agreement for covering APC costs. So this passage is automatically generated once that your affiliation has been recognized as one of the institutions that has an agreement and therefore in order to benefit of the, you know, the agreement and get the article published online open access without incurring any costs, you need to basically click on the this button and go through the process.


Speaker 1 First thing you have to do. Step one is confirm the author role. So you can see here that the author list will show all authors from the manuscript. And now you have two options you can either select confirm and move forward, or if you need to make any change, click on the list is incorrect. So if you click on the list is incorrect. You actually land on this interstitial screen. And you have a number of options here, you see one, two, three, four, five, six options that you may select, and the selection here of the option determines determines whether customer support needs to intervene or whether you can proceed through the workflow autonomously. So you can do some changes, but there are changes you can do by yourself. And changes you can't do by yourself and you know, you need to wait for customer support to sort out things for you. So let's see what other things you can do. You can change without having the intervention of customer support. So if you select the list is out of order and no one has changed their name or one or more, names are spelled or formatted incorrectly. You will see this confirmation screen before proceeding to confirm its possible corresponding author of screen so you can go ahead, make the the changes yourself, confirm and move to the next step. But if you select one or more authors are missing, or someone is listed as an author but should not be there, or something else is wrong, then the author, you know, cannot continue and you must wait for customer support to deal with the issue. And you see this is the message you get.


Speaker 1 So let's go back to the screen that displays the list of corresponding authors. You remember there were there was this list. Now you see here that every author may have a padlock icon. And, you know, the the presence of a padlock icon means that the specific order may be eligible for APC coverage. So you remember, Anat Bernstein was the corresponding author initially of this article, but Anat Bernstein doesn't have a padlock on it, so this means that her affiliation is not covered by an agreement, by a transformative agreement with Wiley. So this means that Anat should pay the APC using her credit card or specific fund that's been allocated by the institution. Hagar on the other hand, has got an agreement, you know, and so what can happen is that Anat, Anat decides to change the responsible corresponding author and nominate someone else as new, responsible corresponding author. Someone else who may have the padlock icon. So this means that this person, this professor, may not have to pay the APC by using his credit card.


Speaker 1 So, what happens now? So just look, just to recap, you have two options you can confirm yourself if you are responsible corresponding author. You can just confirm that you are the corresponding author and you can move on to the Funders and Grant Details screen, which is the next step, step three from step two. But you can decide to change your nomination and nominate someone else. And what happens if you nominate someone else? Well, your workflow stops and the new person, the new nominated responsible corresponding author will receive an email notification and will be invited to log in to author services and continue the workflow. From that moment, from the moment you nominate the responsible corresponding author, he will be the responsible person that will trigger the eligibility of the APC covered by his institution. So. Normally a year ago, you couldn't do these changes by yourself, and it was quite more lengthy procedure. So from this year on sorry from December on, we implemented this changes to make life easier for authors in case they need to change and nominate someone else who is responsible.


Speaker 1 So we'll see now that step two is basically confirming funders and grant details. So normally, the affiliation information, the funders and grant details are information already available in the submission file. And so when you sent your article to the Wiley Editorial Board of the Hybrid Journal, this information is already there. But during this phase, you have an opportunity to change or add any additional funder, okay. You can do that by manually entering the details of funders or grant grant details for the funders. So if you want to use a grant that you know as a reason lately, you want to charge this fund, this this grant, you can do that and you have an opportunity here to enter the details of the grant member. And same thing happens for affiliations. So, you normally have already stated your affiliation. And so therefore this information is already pre-populated in in your submission file. Now the presence of a green bar here on the left hand side of the box and verified text here, icon that appears shows that your affiliation has been recognized by the Ringgold database, so there is a match for your affiliation. In and, of course, as I showed you before. If your affiliation belongs to the list of affiliation that has an agreement with Wiley, you will also receive you will also at this pop up that won't, you know, that advises you about eligibility for covering the APC costs at no fee through your institution.


Speaker 1 Now, what happens if no affiliation is being provided? Well, this is quite rare, of course. More likely it can happen that the institution that the author has entered has not been recognized by Wiley. Okay. Well, in the rare occurrence this happens, you have the possibility to add if you see affiliation manually. And we also have a geo targeting system in place which retrieves the location of your IP address and checks whether the territory which your IP address is located is covered by any transformative agreement with Wiley. So, for instance, in this case, you know, the author is in Germany. And there's this pop up that tells the author that because you are in Germany, you know, you may benefit of transformative agreement with a number of institutions that are located in Germany. So what we are telling the author is check with, you know, make sure that you are eligible because you may be eligible, but you know, make sure you know, to make the necessary verification in order to benefit of a possible key agreement with Wiley. And as I told you before, you can add manually an affiliation. Or you can also enter multiple affiliation if you are a professor working in more than one university, you are free to enter more than one university, more than one affiliation. Like in this case, this professional works at the University of Oxford, but he also works at the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft in Germany. But the system requires you to make a selection to make a choice as to which university is appropriate for covering the APC costs. Normally, this is the criteria that is being used this where does the majority of the research take place, which institution you have spent most time conducting your research? All right. So when the two in this case, two applications are both verified, again we used Ringgold database. So when they are verified, you will see here the tick in green in green color that both institutions are verified. And in case one institution is covered by an open access agreement with Wiley, you will actually see your purple box with this message saying that this particular institution has an agreement with Wiley. So the author knows immediately, which institution has a transformative agreement in place.


Speaker 1 Now, the next step you see here we are moving top down. So we were we were basically confirming funders and grant deails have affiliations now we need to go down through the steps until license submission. So we'll see now the copyright ownership, which is the next step. Where the author needs to decide who owns the copyright for this work. So while normally Europe, majority of the cases fall into the first category contributor on work, but of course, it really depends on what type of work you are you have done. And so you need to select the most appropriate of these options. And then. You need to actually confirm that you want to go ahead with the open access option. So. The open access option is made more prominent and selective by default, as you can see here, you see here my the button. Yes, make my article open access. Of course, you are not obliged to go ahead and publish the article open access, you also have the opportunity to keep your article subscription-only. You see, here the link 'Keep my article subscription-only'. You can do that. If you do that there is a pop up which actually tells you the benefit of publishing open access and, you know, want to make sure that you are aware of what you're doing. And because of course, if the the APC is covered, we see no reasons why you would not benefit of the advantages of publishing open access. So maybe you know, you make a mistake, you have made a mistake or you were not aware of or you were scared to go ahead with the request because maybe you were unsure about something. But for whatever reason, we would just want to make sure that you understand what you are doing because once you actually select your the option. Basically, once you opt out, you can never go back so you can't transform an article subscription only in an article open access. So the process is irreversible. And as a matter of fact, just because the process is irreversible, if you do go ahead and keep your article subscription only, you will receive an automated email from our system after 24 hours telling you again, are you really sure you want to go ahead with subscription only? We tried to list again the benefits of publishing open access and basically we give you a chance to change your mind. And that's the last time you can do that, just because we understand that there may be an error somewhere and you want to make up of this error, you want to basically find a way to revert your decision.


Speaker 1 OK, so once you have confirmed you will not go ahead with open access publication, you need to choose the license agreement. I showed you before that there are three different types of license agreements. In reality, there are many other license agreement types. But what happens at this stage is that you will see as an author only the lis of CC By licenses that apply to your specific article. Normally, institutions encourage authors to use to select CC By which is the most permissive of licenses, but there may be situations in which a specific journal or a funder or a grant associated to a funder may mandate some, you know, specific licenses, type of licenses. So again, it's up to you to decide which CC By license you want to use for this specific article. Once you've done the selection, you can now finally submit your license and sign. Sign the license agreement. Okay. So you type your name, click on the box, I created the Open Access Agreement and then click on send. Once you do that, you will receive an email of acknowledgment of successfully submitted requests, so your request has been submitted to your approval manager to your library administrators who will actually receive your request in his dashboard or her dashboard. And normally, the approval manager has five working days to approve your request or deny it if the approval manager believes that you are not eligible. And when this can happen and this can happen when Western Europe, your application, you know, you are not recognized as a member of the affiliation or maybe you have left the affiliation in the meantime, so you are no longer a member of the affiliation or the university or for a number of reasons, you know, the approval manager might, you know, decide not to approve your request, but be aware of that if this happens, you will always receive an ultimate a message with the indication of the reason why your request has been denied.


Speaker 1 OK. And that's it, basically that's the the order workflow, and I would like to ask B.J. if there is any question so far. Any comment? Before we move on to the last section of our presentation today.


Speaker 2 And everything else came through. OK, I see the there's a question. OK. OK, so we do have one question. Fabio, it says, "For copyright ownership, if there are two choices that are appropriate for the coauthors. Can two choices be selected?"


Speaker 1 Hmm. That's a good question, actually.


Speaker 2 I think it's a no, but. So Maureen says, for example, contributor owned for one co-author and U.S. government work for another co-author.


Speaker 1 The problem is that who is triggering basically who is this? It depends on the situation with the responsible corresponding order. So we need to check is the only person normally who is the leader of the process of the workflow. But but I can confirm it, I can get back to you and I can basically ask Graham.


Speaker 2 Right. Yeah. Yeah, I'm inclined to say no, because it's tied to the responsible corresponding author, but yes, we'll circle back Maureen with you on that.


Speaker 2 Looks like we have one - another question here. Let me just take a quick look and find out what they say. This looks like more of a comment. OK, so it says, "Author's research and write articles. Authors give them for free or pay the publisher. Other authors review peers articles for free. A publisher turns around and charge readers and institutions in OhioLINK to read the articles they received for free. Authors do an immense amount of work for publishers that publishers do not pay for." So they're asking for clarification or correction if that's an incorrect statement.


Speaker 1 I don't know. Basically, how it works in Ohio. I understood correctly because the audio was a cracking. Could you could you could you repeat, sorry, the question?


Speaker 2 Sure. I think it's more of a comment just to understand what it is that institutions are paying for versus, you know, what's free, almost almost like double dipping. You know, whereas you know, the author has already paid to make their article open access. And then in turn, publishers are also charging, you know, fees to institutions to read the articles. I mean, I can clarify that. You know, any article that that is free are free to read is not charged to any institution. So I can clarify that. If you'd like, I can circle back. This came from Roger Anderson and we can definitely circle back. And, you know, dive more into this conversation with you. It that's optimal. And I'm just looking to see if there's anything else. No, and we will get back to Maureen too as well with her question on copyright ownership.


Speaker 1 Yeah, that's a very good question.


Speaker 2 OK. I don't see anything else.


Speaker 1 All right, so I wanted to just sort of wrap up and show you the what are the tools that we offer. You know, we offer a variety of services supporting authors from first time submitters to the more most experienced ones. So. We offer resources for every step of the publishing process through submission, publication and finally promotion of the article once it's published. So let's see what this author knows what these services are. The first one is Journal Finder. Wiley's Journal Finder tool helps authors match their articles to the best journal of their work for their work using the abstract, they have chosen descriptive text. And it allows authors to filter results by keyword, subject area and or can access status. Of these suggested journals. The second one is actually Wiley Editing Services that you know, where we offer English language editing, academic translation. Of course, it's not really useful for you, American people who of course are native English speakers, that you know, in other parts of the world, you know, this service is really useful. And, you know, we also help authors with figure formatting and graphical abstract design, journal recommendation and manuscript formatting. You know, make sure that the manuscript abides by the author guidelines that are being promoted by the journal.


Speaker 1 We have also author webinars where, you know, researchers can find webinars on on a broad range of publishing topics, including maximizing the impact of an article, understanding the peer review process and many other topics. And of course, we have our author services side, which is really shaped for you, for all the authors, and it includes resources to support you through every step of the publication process. We have other two services like, you know, cover images and video abstract for an article. You know, those are additional services that we have promoting and, you know, increasing visibility of your article. But they are not part of the agreement with Wiley so you're very welcome to use these additional services, but they are for a fee and you will get invoiced separately.


Speaker 1 We also work with platforms and organizations and solutions that provide additional support for you. These are the lists of institutions that we work with starting from Authorea, whereby you can get help with regards on, you know, writing articles, cite, post and publish. We have manuscripts app dot com, which is another app which helps you format, edit and share your article. But we have the ORCiD, of course, that you probably know everything about, which provides a unique identifying identifier. We have Kudos, which is an app which helps you increase the visibility and the impact of your articles. Publons helps you track and share your peer review contributions in case you are a reviewer.


Speaker 1 And lastly, GetFTR, which is a service which helps you access the published articles you need. And finally, of course, you're very welcome to connect to our customer success hub and you'll find everything you need to successfully use our products. Grow. Grow your expertize and continue your professional development and share your knowledge with your peers and communities. And of course don't forget, I'm very available for answering any of your questions. Also after the presentation, of course, BJ as well, will do that too. We'll be happy to provide you with any answer you may need. And what's been a great pleasure for me to be here with you today. And what I hope this presentation will use was useful for you as an author, and I'm really happy that you would now have this great opportunity that eases things up with regard to publishing open access.


Speaker 2 Fabio, there is one more question that came through in the chat that I wanted to make sure we respond to. This regarding open access models. "The journal Pathogens and Immunity has a seemingly new model in which it's supported by a charitable endowment. So there is no fee to authors or readers. However, there's a minimal payment to reviewers for their time and effort. I wonder what your thoughts were on this type of model for an institution like Wiley and whether there are similar open access models that you're aware of?" So I guess, so it looks like. I don't know if this, this, this isn't a Wiley journal. You know, I'm assuming it's a society owned journal. But I think, you know, the message that I can convey is open access became very prominent in Europe for the past several years, where there are, you know, mandates for open access publishing. We're, we're starting to see a lot more uptake in the U.S. with institutions you know, that are interested in going the open access route. I mean, I can say with certainty that our open access teams are looking to expand our offerings and sales models when it comes to open access. There are other types of open access that you may have heard called Diamond, and I can't remember what the other ones are offhand. But yes. So I do think that this would be something of definite consideration, you know in a new sales model. I hope that helps to answer your question.


Speaker 1 Thanks, Sasha, that's really interesting for your insight. Yeah.


Speaker 2 OK, I don't see anything else. So we're happy to give you back a few minutes to your Friday and thank you so much for taking the time to join us and enjoy the weekend ahead. Thank you, Fabio and Tasha as well.


Speaker 1 Thanks. Thanks to you, Tasha. Thanks. BJ. Thanks, everybody. Wish you a nice rest of the day, nice weekend and good work.


Speaker 2 Yeah, thank you. Have a great weekend. You too. Bye now.


Speaker 1 Bye bye. Bye for now.


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