Learn about JoVE's recent partnership with OhioLINK and the new STEM learning resources available to you. This webinar will help you get started using JoVE videos in your science courses.
Transcription (select to toggle opened/closed)
Speaker 1Trevor Schuk We're going to be recording this, so this is available for people to use after the fact or for people who aren't able to attend today as a quick intro. My name is Trevor Schuk and I am the JoVE account manager that has worked with Joanna Voss and also Amy Pawlowski at OhioLINK to coordinate access for OhioLINK member institutions to five of our JoVE education resources through the end of 2022 as part of this OhioLINK license. Today with me I have Dr. Maaike Pols, who is a scientific adviser, and she's going to be leading this presentation explaining what our resources are, the capabilities and the solutions that we provide so that you can communicate with your colleagues, use them yourself, or just for general knowledge about JoVE resources. At the end we will have time for some questions. Feel free to put any questions in the chat during the presentation, and we will respond to them at the end. But if anything comes up, just let us know and then our contact information will be made available for any follow up or lingering questions that might come up down the road. So, Maaike, I'll turn it over to you now. Thank you, everybody, for attending.
Speaker 2Maaike Pols Thank you, Trevor. All right. Hi, everyone. My name is Maaike Pols. As Trevor mentioned, I am JoVE's scientific adviser. So I'm a cell biologist myself. And at some point in my career, I was transitioning from cell biology, which I studied at Tufts University, to developmental biology when I moved to the other side of the planet, to Australia. And at that point, I really wish I would have known about something like JoVE. I joined JoVE back in twenty seventeen. And so today we're going to cover what is JoVE exactly. We're going to I'm going to show you how to set up a free JoVE account on our website so you can access the videos that you have access to remotely. And we're also going to cover what you guys are subscribed to through OhioLINK and how you can use these resources and also how to share the videos with your students. And we're going to give you some more information about the support we have available for faculty members in the form of training sessions and customer support. So I'm going to start by what is JoVE, if exactly? JoVE stands for the Journal of Visualized Experiments and we create scientific videos for teaching, learning and practicing science. Now, we got started back in 2006 when our CEO and co-founder, Moesha Pritzker, was a PhD student at Princeton University. Now, Moesha, like many starting out scientists, was trying to replicate an experiment that he read about in a traditional science journal. And he kind of struggled to get this particular experiment to work, especially if you were a non-native English speaker. It is not uncommon to struggle with replicating protocols from text alone. And so the solution to Moesha's problem at the time was for him to travel all the way to Edinburgh, where this experiment was originally performed. And he spent a couple of months in the original authors lab to try to learn this particular experiment. Now, this was a great experience for him, but it was also pretty expensive and took a lot of time. So Moesha came up with a better idea and he was thinking, what if we don't just publish the research protocols in written format? What if we could actually show people what the original authors intended and when they set up the experiment? What if we show you how to carry out this experiment? Now, why is visualizing science so important? As a scientist, sometimes you venture out of your specific area, and especially if you're a scientist who is just starting out and you're you're swapping specialties or you're carrying out experiments with a new type of model organism, it can be really hard to visualize what an experiment is going to look like and whether it is supposed to look like this. Give for for example, here we have an article that describes how to line up C. elegans worms for an imaging experiment. Now, as a cell biologist, I'm used to working with human cell lines. And so for me, reading this text might make me wonder how exactly am I supposed to line them up? What is this going to look like under a microscope. Now, even by just adding an image like the one here on the right hand side, you already get a much better impression of what this experiment is going to look like when you're working on it. So that's why JoVE was created. We create video protocols that show people every step of the experiment. So it makes it much easier to learn a new technique.
Speaker 2Maaike Pols And what is JoVE in terms of products? We create scientific videos for five unique resources, and these resources are meant for education, training and research. On the education side of JoVE, we have three different products. The first one is JoVE Core. JoVE Core is our series of animated textbooks. And here we try to teach foundational concepts in science through high impact animations and also real life lab experimentation. At the moment we have several different collections available and you guys have access to our biology collection our chemistry collection and our social psychology series. Then the next product in education is JoVE Lab Manual. JoVE Lab Manual, are sets of experiments that an instructor can do with a group of students in the lab. And here we look at each of these experiments from three perspectives. We show you a concept video that explains the background behind the experiment. And then we have an instructor preparation video that shows you the instructor, what you need to prepare before the students come to the lab. And then we have a student protocol video that takes the students through the experiment from start to finish. This product in particular has proven very useful as an alternative when you can't have your students physically in the lab with you. And then we also have JoVE for Science Education. And here we have fundamental and easy to understand video demonstrations of the most basic experiments in each of the different research fields. We also explain here what type of equipment you frequently find in the lab and how to use it. And in the case of clinical skills, for example, we also show students how to perform physical examinations on patients for the first time.
Speaker 2Maaike Pols Then on the research side ofJoVE, we have two more products. We have our JoVE Video Journal, and this is divided into 13 different sections and continuously publishes experimental techniques in a visual format. So it is a methods journal and we publish methods from researchers all around the world. We then go to these researcher's labs and we film how they carry out the experiment. And that, along with the written version of the article, is published in our journal online. And then the final product, which is also our newest collection, is calledJoVE's Encyclopedia of Experiments. And here we're creating concise and detailed video protocols and for collections of experimental techniques that either revolve around model organisms such as Drosophila, C. elegans and zebrafish, or a certain disease models such as our Cancer Research Collection, which now features a new breast cancer series.
Speaker 2Maaike Pols Now, through OhioLINK, you guys have access to JoVE for three different sections: biology, chemistry and social psychology, as well as two of our lab manual collections, biology and chemistry. So let's look at these two products in a bit more detail. But first, I want to highlight thatJoVE is a living library. And so by now, in total, we feature well over thirteen thousand different videos and on average we published twelve hundred new videos each year. Worldwide, we have about one thousand institutes that subscribe to us and well over eight million unique users.
Speaker 2Maaike Pols All of the videos that I'm going to show you are accessible worldwide twenty four/seven. And for educational content, we also offer language translations and over 10 different languages. We also cover ten thousand downloadable protocols that you can use in the laboratory. Accessing digital videos is very straightforward. If you're on your university campus we use IP recognition and that means that when you're within your university's IP range, the videos within your subscription will play automatically. When you're off campus, we have various different ways to grant you access. The first one is through email domain verification. If you create a JoVE count on our website with your institutional email address, we automatically link you to your university subscription. We can also work with Open Athens and Shibboleth for single sign-on and we can also set up EZproxy for your school. If you are using JoVE videos for teaching, the easiest way to share them with your students is by embedding them into a learning management system. Just means that only you as the instructor needs a JoVE account and the embedded videos can be played by the students without needing a login. I'll tell you a little bit more about how this works later on.
Speaker 2Maaike Pols Now, setting up a JoVE account has several additional benefits, especially if you're a librarian or a teacher. You can create an account by going to JoVE dot com, click on the sign button and then select create a new account. If you already have an account with us, you can simply use your details to sign in. Now, when you create a new account, we're asking you a couple of questions where you can let us know whether you are a teacher, a librarian, a student, etc. You can also let us know what type of content you're interested in. And you also get an opportunity to sign up for our newsletters. After you fill out the form, you will get an email from us to verify your account and after that, your account is ready to go. Now, with your account, you can check your JoVE access by navigating all the way down to JoVE dot com homepage and look into four librarian sections where we have an access button that will show you what you have instant access to through your institute. Your JoVE account also allows you to watch the videos while off campus and you can use it to create embed codes to share the videos with off campus students. When you sign up as a teacher, you will also have the ability to create JoVE quizzes and create playlists of your favorite videos. And then finally, through your JoVE account, you can also post questions and comments for article authors.
Speaker 2Maaike Pols Now let's look at the products. I'm going to start with JoVE Core. So JoVE Core is our series of video textbooks that can either serve as an effective primary or as a supplementary teaching resource. They are mapped to various different textbooks. For example, JoVE Core: Biology is mapped to Campbell's Biology as well as OpenStax Biology and JoVE Core: Chemistry is maps to OpenStax Chemistry. On our website, you can find a full overview of our differently mapped textbooks and the videos that go with them. So in JoVE Core, we use high impact animations combined with real life lab footage to teach students about introductory concepts in the basic biology, chemistry and social psychology sections. Now there are several helpful features for both instructors and for students in here. We're going to start with the instructors. We cover a video transcripts that you can copy and paste into your learning management system where required. The videos are kept short and concise, and this means they can easily be added to a lecture if you're doing real life lectures or online lectures. But you can also use them to set up homework and structure that per chapter. So the videos on their own don't take up too much of your teaching time. We also added extra reading material underneath the video. Because we tried to keep the video short, we do feel it's important to put them in a wider context. In this reading material we will also find some source material as well as suggestions for further reading. All of our videos can be embedded and shared, and you can also add them to a playlist of your favorite videos. These features only work if you are assigned into your JoVE account.
Speaker 2Maaike Pols And finally, all of our videos have the create quiz option. This means you can create a short multiple choice quiz that you can set up set up for your students. These questions can also be embedded into a learning management systems, or they can be used on a joke website. And when we look at it from a student perspective, we have voice over and subtitle translations in several different languages, which means that if you have students in your class from various different linguistic backgrounds, it makes it really easy for them to watch the content in a language that they're most comfortable with. This also goes for any exchange students that you might have to teach. All of the animations are kept very simple, and yet they illustrate really well the key concepts about what is going on inside a cell or what is going on inside a test tube. As I mentioned, we have closed captions in English as well as in ten other languages available, and we're constantly adding new languages to these. The videos can be speed regulated. We know a lot of our students like to watch the videos at a slightly higher speed to get through the content a bit faster. Then I also want to highlight JoVE Lab Manual since this is the other product that you guys have access to through OhioLINK. So you have access to two different sections our Lab Manual: Biology and our Laab Manual: Chemistry. Now, both lab manuals contained sets of experiments where we look at each experiment from three perspectives. We have the concept behind the experiment, the instructor preparation and the student protocol.
Now on the side of the instructor. First off, we have a transcripts for both the concept videos and as well as the instructor preparation video. We also have an instructor preparation video that highlights what you need to do as an instructor, so it is very important that you make the best use of this video as well. The videos, again, are kept short and concise, especially the concept video can easily be used inside a lecture as well. We have additional reading materials. So this is more background information when it when it's on the concept video. And for the instructor preparation video, we offer learning objectives as well as a detailed list of materials and a set up guide for the lab. Also, these videos can all be embedded into a learning management system or shared or added to a list of your favorite videos, and all of these videos come with quizzes as well.
Then from a student perspective, we added video navigation, so these videos are a little bit longer because we want to make sure that we take the students through the entire experiment, as well as any safety issues or formulas they might need to calculate. That's why we've divided these videos into different chapters. So by clicking on the chapter header, you can easily jump to that part of the video. This also means that if you want to re-watch part of the video again, because some of it might be a little bit more complicated, you can easily jump back to that part of the video. So this is the specific for the student protocol video. So for the students, you will want to show them to concept video followed by the student protocol. All of these videos come with very clear animations, as well as real life lab footage that shows them what the experiment will look like when they're carrying it out. Also, for these videos, we have subtitles and closed captions available in various different languages, and we also have eight printable set up guides for the procedures that really is the step by step protocol that they can bring with them to the lab. This also includes any tables they might need to draw in their lab book. These are available in a downloadable format as well.
Speaker 2Maaike Pols Then I mentioned it quickly, you can create JoVE playlists of your favorite videos, and this is a feature that is available for anyone who has a JoVE account. Now, these videos, these playlists are designed to help you streamline your teaching or create a playlist to train new lab staff or just accumulate all of the research protocols that are relevant for you. So to playlists are shareable. They are highly customizable. They make it easy to locate the videos that you want to use in your classes. And you can also use it to engage the students by giving them assignments in a playlist form. Now, playlists, as I mentioned, are interactive lists of videos that you can either make yourself, or you can have one of our customer success team help you with that. So creating a playlist is fairly simple. We have a quick tutorial video as well to show you how it's done, but I'll walk you through it in a moment as well. You can also request a playlist from our customer success team or your account manager. And this is really useful if you don't have the time to go through the JoVE catalog and find the videos yourself. What you can do is you can let us know which course topics you will be covering and which techniques you like to cover and we can create a playlist for you that has all the relevant JoVE videos already in there.
Speaker 2Maaike Pols We also have a syllabus mapped playlists list already available for you. So on our Faculty Resources Center, you can find JoVE curated playlists that are mapped to various Course syllabi that are frequently used in a different topics. We have them available for most different topics like biology, chemistry, but also anatomy labs, physics labs and engineering labs. Now, creating a JoVE playlist is fairly straightforward. So step one is you need to make sure that you are signed into your JoVE account. Then in your JoVE account you will navigate. If you click on it, it will bring up the short menu and you can navigate to my playlist section. And from here you can click on create a new playlist. This will bring up a menu where you can give your playlist a name. You can give it a purpose, whether it's for research or education or both. You can then select a topic as well as a specialty. Where relevant, you can also fill in a professor name, course name and an institute name. Now there's two different ways you can add videos to your playlist. The first one is by clicking the add video button. This will bring up a search bar where you can type in your search query and it will bring up all relevant videos from all of the JoVE products. You can add them to your playlist by clicking on the video title and you can do just as many times as required, which as many search queries as you want. If you already know which videos you want to use in advance, you can click the "add videos in bulk" button. Here, you can use the article IDs, which are to four or five digit numbers that you can find in a video URL, and you can add them in as a string separated by commas, and this will upload multiple videos to your playlist at the same time. If you're happy with your playlist, you can click save and this will save it to your account. If you want to further customize your playlist, however, you can also add in different labels. Labels can be used to create different chapters in your playlist, and you can give them either a short name or you can enter a little bit of text in them as well. You can then drag and drop them to anywhere in your playlist to make sure that you have all the right chapters available for your students. When you're done, simply hit save and this will allow you to share your playlist with your students, which would be the next step.
Speaker 2Maaike Pols Sharing a playlist is very easy. So in your account use you will find the "Copy URL" button behind your playlist. This will allow you to copy and paste your playlist, your URL into an email or onto your system. If you want to embed the videos from your playlist into your course learning management system, this is also an option. You simply let your customer success person or your account manager know which videos you would like to use. And we can create a cartridge for you that you can upload to your courses on, for example, Moodle or Blackboard.
Speaker 2Maaike Pols And as I mentioned, we do have a syllabus and training program, mapping service available for you guys. This means you can save time creating your class lists and your your class videos and building lesson plans. We have a team of subject matter experts who are PhDs in various different disciplines, and they can map your course syllabus or training program to the right videos on JoVE. You then receive a clickable list of suggestions for content. And again, we can create a common cartridge for you to upload it into a learning management system when you've decided which videos of the playlist you would like to use. More information on playlists, but also on embedding videos into your learning management system, you can find on the Faculty Resources Center. The Faculty Resources Center can be found on dot coms homepage depicted here in red. And you will find various different videos, maps to courses that are already available.
Speaker 2Maaike Pols For example, here in biology and chemistry. And you also find integration guides for using videos in an LMS, as well as guides for teaching remotely using JoVE videos. So, for example, guides to how to set up Zoom correctly to stream the videos on there. But we also have guides available for Google Classroom and Microsoft teams. So from here, you can download a how to guide and you also find brief tutorial videos that will show you exactly how to do this. We also have a customer success team available. So if you run into any issues, we'll try to embed videos and you'll see a little bit of extra help. We have a customer success team, which you can email from this website as well, and they can give you a quick call to resolve any issues, as well as help you with creating a customized playlist for your course.
Speaker 2Maaike Pols As I mentioned, you can embed the videos into different online platforms. We are compatible with most platforms out there. However, if you do find that you're using something that isn't listed on our website yet, do you feel free to contact us, because very often we can help you find a way to get the videos into your specific system as well. The guides, as I mentioned, can be found on the Faculty Resource Center. You can download one of the PDFs and from here you can also navigate to our tutorial videos. And then we do have additional support as available as well, so we have a team of curriculum specialists and days that are there to support faculty. So they do to free the syllabus mapping. They also help with embedding videos into the online learning platforms. We can set up faculty supporting calls. We can host webinars and you can contact them using the customersuccess@jove.com email address. We're also running weekly faculty training sessions. So if any of your colleagues who couldn't make it today would like more information on how to use the JoVE videos in the subscription, they can sign up for one of our sessions. We're running them every Thursday at nine at nine thirty a.m. EST. And in here we cover introductions to the JoVE products as well as setting up an account and learning how to embed videos. And this is also a good place to ask any additional questions.
Speaker 2Maaike Pols So speaking of questions, we're going to have a quick break to see if you guys have any questions so far. And then I'll take you over to the JoVE website to have a look at some of our videos. Also, feel free to put any suggestions in the chat in case there's any topics that you would like to see. And then I can find you some videos on those particular topics. Right. Any questions so far, you can put them into chat. If not, we'll come back to you guys a little bit later.
Speaker 2Maaike Pols All right, let's head over to JoVE website. So the first thing you want to do when you get to the JoVE website is make sure that you are signed in. You can sign in. If you're signed in, your name will appear here. If not, you will find the sign in button. From here. You can access the different features that are available to you through your JoVE account. You can monitor accounts. You can look up any JoVE quizzes you've created in the past or any quizzes that other people have invited you to. This is also where you find a list of your favorite articles and your playlists.
Speaker 1Trevor Schuk Maaike, this is Trevor, before you get too much further, I just want to let you know it is a little bit blurry. So if there's that setting you could switch. That would be great.
Speaker 2Maaike Pols OK, let's have a look. I think this might be my internet connection acting up. I do apologize for that. We are in the middle of a snowstorm right now. Are we still being blurry or is this is this a little better?
Speaker 1Trevor Schuk It's a little better, it's a little bit blurry.
Speaker 2Maaike Pols OK, Trevor, do you want to share your screen or are you happy to continue?
Speaker 1Trevor Schuk Give me one second. Let's try that with my screen, Maaike.
Speaker 2Maaike Pols OK, no problem.
Speaker 1Trevor Schuk Can you see my screen now?
Speaker 2Maaike Pols Yes.
Speaker 1Trevor Schuk And is that the JoVE homepage?
Speaker 2Maaike Pols It is the JoVE homepage.
Speaker 1Trevor Schuk OK, so, Maaike, why don't you just tell me where you want me to go and then you can use my screen as your template.
Speaker 2Maaike Pols All right. So the first thing you want to do is sign into your JoVE account so you will find the sign and button at the top right. And you can use that to either create a new account or to sign in with your already existing account. So after signing in, you will be able to verify which sections of JoVE you have access to by scrolling all the way down to the blue part of the homepage and then under the For Librarian section, you find the access page. So the access page will show you what you have access to through your university.
Speaker 2Maaike Pols So since Trevor is part of JoVE, he has access to everything. But this will be specific for your school if you sign in with your institutional email address. Then the sections of JoVE that you guys have access to are found in the education section of JoVE. So there's JoVE Core and JoVE Lab Manual. So let's first head over to JoVE Core. So you guys have access to three sections of JoVE Core: biology, chemistry and social psychology. So let's have a look at the JoVE Biology section. So, JoVE Biology is divided into different chapters, kind of like Campbell's Biology textbook. You can select a language at the top and then you can kind of go through to different chapters. So they're split up by different different subjects like the fundamentals of science. Then we have cellular processes, genetics, human biology, ecology, evolution and plant biology. Now, each of these chapters contains various different videos. So let's let's go inside one of the chapters.
Speaker 2Maaike Pols So as I mentioned, inside the chapters, you find different lessons and each of these lessons contains one video and each chapter, you also find a scientist in action section. This is located at the top. And this applies to different foundational concepts that we're teaching in this chapter to how scientists are using these concepts in their research. So this takes you to relevant articles in JoVE Journals that show scientists using and applying the concepts that we're learning about. Now if we're going back to our key concepts, if we go inside one of our lessons. We can find the video with all its different features and underneath the video you find a bit more text and context about this video. So anything that doesn't quite fit in the video we have made sure that we supply all of the relevant information there. Now, from here, we can select a language, so let's play this video in English and then we're going to play you a short fragment and we're going to show you where to find the volume navigation, which is over there. And then on that same bar, you also find a speed regulation and you will find closed captioning. And so let's turn on some some captions in English if you want. That way, even though we've turned off the sound to allow me to speak over it, we can at least see what this video is about.
Speaker 2Maaike Pols So basically, we take you through a foundational concept by using very clear animated content and we basically talk you through what is in this case, how replication and prokaryotes means. With each of the videos you also find to create quiz option on the right hand side, as well as a transcript. For these videos, if you want to embed any of them. I would encourage you to click on the embed button. And this brings you to a page that has an embed code on it. Now, it is very important that you check whether you are signed into your JoVE account as then the code will have an access key, which is the one Trevor just highlighted on top of the embed code box. You don't need to do anything specific with this with this access key, you just need to make sure that it's there. Now in order to embed it, you simply click the copy embed code button and this will copy to code to your clipboard and then you log into your respective learning management system, such as Moodle or Blackboard or campus or whichever one you're using.
Speaker 2Maaike Pols And we have the different guides. They will work a little bit differently. but basically you're creating either a new item or a new page and you select the button where you can add an HTML code. This is where you then copy this embed code. And because it has the access key already in there, it means the videos can can play for the students without the students needing to sign in.
Speaker 2Maaike Pols Right then, let's also have a look at our Lab Manual products. Yes, this looks slightly different. So Lab Manual again, you will find in our education section under Lab Manual. And let's have a look at our Chemistry Lab Manual. So Lab Manual, as I mentioned, are sets of experiments that you can do with your students. So here you want to select an experiment that you want to do with your your students. They start off pretty easy, like with lab techniques and scientific measurements, lab skills. And then if you scroll down a little bit, you'll find experiments that are a little bit more challenging. So do you fit in like the first one or two years in a general chemistry curriculum. So let's have a look at one of these experiments. Let's do acids and bases, or this ones fine too. So here you find three different videos. So we start off with a concept video that puts this experiment in a particular background. You can read more about that underneath the video. And again, you have closed captions available as well as volume control, speed control and ways to share videos with your students. So again, this is mostly an animated video that shows you the concept behind the experiment and it also takes the students through any background information they need, as well as how to calculate certain form formulas.
Speaker 2Maaike Pols Then the next video we're going to briefly show is the instructor preparation video. Now, this is for you as the instructor to make sure that you have all the information you need and you can prepare the lap for when your students are coming. So this is kind of like an how to guide that shows you what you need to prepare. So this video, since it is a little bit longer, it's divided into chapters, so by clicking on the different chapter headers, you can navigate to that particular part of the video. Underneath the video, you find the learning objectives, as well as a set up guide that shows you all the different steps that you need and a list of materials that you can download and bring with you to the laboratory. So by following all these steps, you're ready to go for the next video, which is our student protocol video.
Speaker 2Maaike Pols Now to standard protocol combined with the concept video is what you will want to embed for your students. Again, this video is a little bit longer, so it's divided into different chapters that make it easier to navigate and jump to a specific part of the experiment. Any of these come with very detailed instructions. So it starts with any safety measures that the student needs to be aware of, as well as any formulas, any calculations they need to be able to do. We take them through it step by step. Underneath this video, you will find the procedure, which is principle that students can take with them to the lab. Also in here, you will find any tables, these are also downloadable, so anything that the students might want to draw in their lab book or print out and bring to the lab with them can be downloaded separately.
Speaker 2Maaike Pols Now, this experiment it basically covers all the different steps as well as gives you an idea of what results you can expect and how to do any calculations or data analysis on these results. So, again, during this pandemic, this is proven to be a very useful resource. If you can't physically have your students performing experiments in the lab or maybe have to limit the amount of experiments that they can do, just really gives them a really an idea of what the experiment would have looked like and what different steps and calculations would have been required of them. So it's kind of like the next best thing, if you will.
Speaker 2Maaike Pols I would also like to draw your attention to a free collection that we have available while we're here, and that is our COVID-19 collection. This can also be found in red at the top of the JoVE homepage. And these are all videos that are relevant for any researchers who are working with coronaviruses and specifically COVID-19. And we just want to make sure that all scientists have this information available if they need it. This can also be really interesting if you're trying to teach your students about coronavirus protocols and also generally how to work in viral labs.
Speaker 2Maaike Pols As I mentioned before, we have the faculty resources center, if you do require any more information or help or if you would like to have a look at any of our premade playlists. So here you can find a different sets of instructions for embedding videos and you can also find videos, maps to various course syllabi. So any of these instructions also come with tutorial videos. So if you want a bit more information for your specific elements, you can download that information from here. If you have any questions or you get stuck anywhere, this also where you can find the address of our customer success team and these guys can help you get get the videos integrated as efficiently as possible.
Speaker 2Maaike Pols Now, as I mentioned, we also have playlists available on the Faculty Resources Center. And these are available in different topics. So, for example, we have biology, we have chemistry playlists and also things like clinical medicine playlists. So here you find overviews of frequently used videos for specific courses. So we have cell biology one, introductory courses to biology, or laboratory courses in biology. So these videos make a nice start if you want to start assembling your own playlist. So I highly recommend having a look at some of these if if any of your courses are in here already.
Speaker 2Maaike Pols All right, I think that covers the demonstration side after any questions so far. If you have any questions, you can type them into chat and we can get to you as soon as possible. And if there's no questions right now, you can also email us or email Trevor. He can help you with any subscription or account related questions. And if you have any questions about any video specifically, I am more than happy to help you guys.
Speaker 1Trevor Schuk And what we'll be doing is sharing the recording and then also the slide deck from today with everybody that wants to watch it now or in the future so that our contact information will be included in all of this will be easily accessible for you. But, Maaike, I'm not saying any questions in the chat. Joanna, if you have anything, please feel free to let us know. But if not, we will send this over to you later today and look forward to getting it presented on OhioLINK website.