Fawcett Center
Rhonda Ames (SLO) Barb Anderson, CWRU Mary Beth Aust-Keefer, Edison Joyce Baker, Belmont Tony Bandy (OPAL) Onadell Bly (NEOUCOM)Jan Bosma, Cedarville Richard Brhel, Myers Jill Brophy (Lorain) Angela Burdiss (Marietta) James Campbell (UC) Indra Canagaratna, ONU Elaine Dickinson (Capital) Susan DiRenzo (UA) Amy Doty, Belmont David Dudding (OU) Janet English (Central) Michael Fritz, Walsh Cynthia Gregory (MSJ) Laurinda Gruber (Columbus) Tiffany Hampel (Franklin) Nathan Hellmers, Sinclair Nancy Helmick, OSU Kathi Herick, WSU Laverne C. Jenkins (CCC) Marty Jenkins, WSU Brian Kern (Muskingum) Amy Killoran (Antioch) Sonya Kirkwood, Sinclair Tom Klingler (KSU) Jim Layden (ODU) Scott Lloyd, Cinci Bible David Lodwick (Cleve State) Stephen Long (Capital) Jan Marotta (Ashland) Louis Mays (Southern State) Jami Miller, Franklin David Moffat, Jefferson Margaret Cieslik, Mt. Carmel Paul Nixon (MVNU) Norman Pearson, Wittenberg Matt Polcyn (OPAL) Sheila Randel (Ursuline) Bill Rhinehart (OU) Fran Rice, UD Corey Seeman (UT) Kelly Shook, KSU Suzanne Smailes, Wittenberg Tracy Stivers (Cinci State) Gail Storer (CCAD) Dawn Suriano, Franciscan Jeffrey Trimble, YSU Laura Tull (OSU) Michael Upfold, Consort Linda Warren, Heidelberg Carol Wittig, Clark Jane Wu (Otterbein) Charly Bauer, OL Anita Cook (OL) Thomas Dowling, OL Anne Gilliland (OL) Meg Spernoga (OL)
Announcements and Central site: We will replace Storage Area Network, SAN, due to drive obsolescence. We issued an RFP and received 8 responses; will decide week of 1/12/04. Replaces entire disk storage; upgrade from 6 to 12 terabytes. In the meantime, we're tight on space.
We will acquire a Solaris machine to run Web of Science. Also need to upgrade our web server and other ES40's.
New forms for reporting problems will be available soon via ostaff.
Ohio Commons for Digital Education: Grant decision still pending. Emphasis shifted more toward course management and less on institutional repository.
DMC: New procedure for adding FFH&S digital video titles; email charly@ohiolink.edu . Titles are purchased by individual institutions, digitized by OhioLINK, and then available to the entire consortium. $200 and up. We see around 2000 downloads of FFH&S per month.
EJC: Erlbaum withdrew from Ingenta, and we have temporarily lost all access to those journals. New vendor is in negotiation. We will load Sage journals later in January. We will load IOP back to 1874.
Science Server software will be replaced by a new product called EnCompass (by Endeavor). A test version should be available by the end of 2004. Buying Science Server sourcecode is an option.
E-Books: Catalog records for not purchased netLibrary books have been removed from central catalog. Would like to complete local deletions by end of January; schedule with Anne. We have a new profile to re-start patron-driven purchase on a smaller scale. Therefore, new MARC records will be coming.
Tom continues to negotiate with publishers for more e-book packages like ABC-CLIO.
Some members will subscribe to History E-books from American Council of Learned Societies; will get MARC records. MARC records for Oxford Reference and Safari are expected soon.
American Periodical Series: New database for all libraries; historic American journals, full-text. We will use ProQuest site for about a year, then load at OhioLINK.
III: Many sites but not all are on Phase 3. Provides fixes in Pickup Anywhere. Some sites have had trouble with patron loads. INN-Reach enhancement suggestions can be made to the appropriate committee chair. Remember enhancement requests for local systems to IUG.
WORKSHOP: Authentication. Anita Cook described how OhioLINK manages access for all sites by IP address. Tom Klingler described how he manages proxy server for Kent State. Scott Cantor from OSU described a national project to develop a single sign-on system for access to web resources. Shibboleth is the software. See also http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/security. A user would authenticate at their home institution (the "identity provider"), which then sends identity attributes to a "service provider". A "federation" is a set of institutions that share in sending and receiving data to make access available. InCommon is a forthcoming test. See http://incommon.internet2.edu Scott Cantor's Power Point presentation can be found at: https://www.ohiolink.edu/content/ohiolink_shibboleth_resources