Northwest Ohio Regional Book Depository

The Northwest Regional Book Depository is a warehouse-style buliding capable of holding 1.8 million volumes. Items are arranged by size on shelving that reaches up to thirty feet in the air. The Depot is equipped with special low-intensity/high-pressure sodium lights and its own HVAC and dehumidifying system with particulate and gas filters. This is designed to maintain steady termperatures and humidity in the summer and winter with gradual changes during spring and autumn. There is also a multiplexed fire system, along with a security system, to ensure the safety of the collection.

Items in the Depository can be requested through BGSU, UT, or the OhioLINK catalog.

Click here to see a map of all the Regional Depositories in Ohio.

1655 N. Wilkinson Way
43551 Perrysburg , OH
United States
Ohio US
(419) 372-5760